
Snowy Herb Gathering

Keelin & Scylla Healing Seasonal



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-30-2022, 07:21 PM

Scylla was supposed to be a healer, but really... she knew shit about healing. She could bandage up a would and she could sew flesh back together, but as far as true healing went, she knew next to nothing. Funny, considering her mother and both of her aunts were master healers, right? Surely she would have picked up some useful knowledge, but no. She'd never been terribly interested. Well, not as interested as she was in fighting, anyway. Hunting down and murdering things was much more enjoyable than keeping them alive, so that was where all of her time and attention had gone. Healing... it was an afterthought.

Now that the slate and cream girl had been decreed a master in the art of fighting, she didn't have much choice but to focus on learning how to heal. She wasn't terribly sure what kind of healing she wanted to delve into. She was good with suturing, so that sort of thing would be okay. Horrific wounds and the like didn't bother her to look at in the slightest. Nothing made her sick, be it sight or smell. The young wolf could keep her cool under all situations. Where could she find someone to teach her about surgical things though? Well, she supposed she'd have to learn other things in the meantime. Fun things could come later. If she thought about it, keeping someone alive might be beneficial as well, right? Maybe she'd have to help her family some day. They would be good skills to have. Her mind went to darker avenues as well. Could she potentially keep someone alive even when they weren't supposed to be alive? How far could the envelope be pushed before someone died? That would all take a bit of work to find out, but she was willing to put in the work. For now, she had to play nice.

The long tailed girl had been loitering near the herb stores when a small woman asked if she was a healer. Scylla's initial reaction had been to laugh, but then she informed the woman that she was indeed a healer. Sort of. She'd then explained that she wasn't very good at it. A beginner, if anything. Since she assumed that the woman was a healer, she'd decided to go along with her as she ventured out to locate gods knew what sort of bush or plant. Keelin had been the fae's name. Scylla noted the scars on the brindled woman but said nothing about it. She had scars of her own, so they were no big deal. They were interesting though.

Scylla followed along as she and the other woman moved out of territory. They meandered towards a nearby lake and the girl was already bored. How was picking plants any fun? Were there even any plants out here in the snow? Paws crunched through the top crust of snow as they moved and Scylla quietly grumped. Healing was boring. Why didn't she choose some other skill to learn? Was it too late to change her major? Inwardly, she chuckled at herself, but outwardly the girl was stoic and silent.

As the moved around the edge of the lake, the scent of another blew towards them. Keelin seemed eager to rush to meet an older fae and Scylla padded along behind her. She was introduced and the young fae gave a nod in return. Scylla had never exactly been a social butterfly. She was better at cutting things up and putting them back together rather than talking and bullshitting. As the two women spoke, the girl picked her way around the edge of the lake, looking at the random plants. Every once in a while she'd pull one from the ground and hold it between her teeth before moving on to the next. She didn't know what any of them were, but she assumed that Keelin or Eulogy would tell her if she found anything interesting.

With a mouthful of plants grasped in her jaws, the girl crunched back to the pair of chattering women. Dropping the various plants between them, the girl's mismatched gaze narrowed slightly. "Are any of these worth saving or did I just waste my time?" She knew that they came out here to collect plants for Keelin's...whatever he was. Boyfriend, husband thing. She'd help do that, but she had no idea what in the hell they were looking for. Looking back and forth between the two fae's, she waited for someone to tell her what was worth keeping and what was nothing more than a useless weed. Once she knew what she was after, collecting more would be a cinch.



Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]