
Time for a soak

Little Cloud


05-30-2022, 10:35 PM

Cirrus was rinsing the remainder of the muck from her ears when the woman in the opposite pool spoke. Mismatched eyes rose and the smaller woman huffed out in accented tones of annoyance, "Leaving bloody pits all over the place. Easy ta fall inta one in the dark." Cirrus gave her head a little shake, ridding her ears of water. "I'm lucky this one didn't have spikes innit." Then no one would have needed to pull her out. She'd have been toast, as the kids said.

Giving her attention to the pale woman, Cirrus motioned towards her with a point of a dark nose. "Ye look comfortable over there. Just relaxin' then?" From what she could see of the woman, she looked very... albino, if that was the proper word. They called it something else where she was from. White with pink skin, whatever.

Cirrus was a social creature. She had no issue with speaking to anyone around her, though her disposition was a little brusque and no-nonsense. It took a particular type to deal with the woman for prolonged periods of time. As the larger fae rested her chin on the edge of the pool that she was in, Cirrus sidled up to the edge of her own. There wasn't much space between them now. She placed her own chin down on the stony edge of the pool, staring into the woman's cherry blossom gaze. She wasn't shy, Cirrus, and it showed.
