
Stress Reliever



10-05-2013, 07:46 PM

The winter season had arrived. The life that had been flaunted through nature during spring and summer had succumbed to autumn, making it slowly withdraw into hibernation until winter had come back around. The tree branches were bare, all of the colors had faded into nonexistence, and there seemed to be less wild prey in the surrounding terrain. It would break any good-natured wolf's heart whom was dying from hunger. For Maija, it was a challenge she willingly accepted.
Her golden fur was brushed by the cold winter wind that swept across her newly claimed home. She stood outside of her den, peering from the trail that showed the vast of Tortuga's territory below. Maija had never been one to notice the beauty in scenery -- rolling hills, moonlit nights, or the peaceful image of the ocean against the beach -- so she didn't pay attention to the details that made her bedside view worth watching. Instead, she was mentally picking apart the land, looking for potential hiding places that her breakfast was lurking. Survival instincts were still primary in her mind and she was using them to figure out where the food could be.
A nearby sound made her left ear twitch and turn backward. She heard muffled steps of the large paws that belonged to Taurig as he slowly approached. She had chosen a den that was near his, knowing that his intentions were honorable and he was the only person she knew since joining Tortuga. If he had any objections, then he didn't voice them and Maija silently appreciated it. Progress was being made, even though she didn't think about it.
She gave a lasting look to a certain spot in the territory and slowly turned her head. Leaf green eyes met his, the icy blues that stood out against his cobalt pelt. Their first impression was striking and she felt the same about her own set of opts. She didn't hold her gaze with him for long, though. Instead, she nodded to him and turned to look back out to the quiet landscape. Quiet gurgles from her stomach rebelled at the thought of food and she clenched her stomach, revealing the muscles that were working beneath the thickening coat of fur. Maija snorted, knowing that her King would hear them, too. A sideways glance was given and she let a tiny sparkle of humor dance in their gaze. What would he say?

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