
That One Song From Frozen

Intellect seasonal w/ Ricin


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
05-31-2022, 02:30 AM

A blizzard had blown through the twisting trees that make up the soulless forest, causing huge drifts of snow to pile up in odd places. As the lead navigator of the Elysium pack, Ricin has taken it upon himself to learn every dip and valley, every raise and cliff in the lands surrounding their pack. The soft powder sparkles at him as the boy leaps through the huge packs of snow, a happy laugh accompany him everywhere he goes. Yes, he is the lead navigator and yes, he does take his job seriously but the blue boy is still just a yearling and prone to dropping everything to have a little fun. Which… is exactly what is he is doing now. As he pounces around, a huge snow-bank, taller than even the boy himself, catches his eye and suddenly Ricin launches his pale blue form into it.  

Tail makes circles in the air as the front half of the boy is firmly lodged inside the snow while his hindquarters still scramble against the snow outside. Digging his way further in, Ricin completely disappears underneath the snow-pile as his make-shift entrance collapses behind him. The boy isn’t worried, his thick, prized elk pelt is wrapped firmly around his shoulders as he plays in the snow and he knows he can dig himself out quickly. A sound tickles his ears and he stops wiggling inside the snow to listen intently to the sound of paws crunching through the tall drifts of snow. Slowly, carefully, Ricin works to make a small hole to peek out at the world with. The crunching sound stops near him as a tiny hole is finally made and a single ruby eye peeks out at the stranger.

Only, it isn’t stranger at all! Ricin burst out of the snow bank, white powder clinging to every inch of him as he happily shouts, “Sybil! I didn’t think I’d see you again! What are you up to?” Bits of frozen ice cause his blue fur to stick out at odd angles as he beams a smile at the pale wolf-dog he had met before.

WC: 354
Total WC: 680 / 1500

"Ricin Dauner"