
Don't Live By The Old Laws




5 Years

Trick 2019
05-31-2022, 11:28 AM
He had healed considerably since Chimera brought him into Fenmyre’s arms. He blossomed into the wolf he was supposed to be, and he was able to be here with Reila in entirety. His thoughts didn’t wander to the horrors he once endured, he didn’t think about any hefty consequences for revealing his innermost being. Deep down he just wanted to love, and help those that couldn’t do so themselves. As he fell into Reila, learning everything she was and would be he showed her the secrets of himself in return.

Erys was soft and gentle, sweet as pure honey as he held and touched her. He breathed her in and deepened their kiss as their bodies entwined and he shared the special experience with her. He had no expectations, he wanted her and more he wanted to see her happy. The little gasps against his lips, along with a subtle smile, told him she felt just that. They found an easy rhythm together, like they were always meant to find each other at this moment.

She broke their kiss and spoke again, her voice soft and breathy as she moved against him. For a moment he thought she wanted him to stop, he’d given her the option after all. Instead she wanted to see to his pleasure, to make sure he was at the highest peaks along with her. Erys grinned down at her, squeezing her tightly as he drew in a deep breath between the physical motions of his body. "I just want you, I want your smile,” he groaned softly as he lost his breath and his voice for a moment. "Just like this.” He sucked in his breath as he told her. Being with a woman was a new novelty that he enjoyed thoroughly with Reila.

"Erystotle Atlas"