
Repeat After Me



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-31-2022, 01:43 PM
Tamsyn was always so exasperated with her little girl that always knew how to push her buttons just right, but she was just as entertained and happy for her daughter's wild spirit. It was the same energy and spirit she remembered being tamped down in herself as a pup and whenever she saw that energy in her children she always wanted to foster it. When she plopped her butt onto the ground Tam rolled her eyes, but couldn't keep herself from grinning. Eventually though her daughter did pop back up into the stance that they had previously gone over before and Tam was proud of her for retaining it—even if it took a bit of coaxing to get her to do so. As they moved on to the lesson at hand, she demonstrated a couple of dodges and then opened the floor for Juniper to try and repeat them back to her. Tamsyn sat back and watched as the little girl bunched her legs under her and clearly took a moment to feel out the way her muscles were coiled under her only to send herself flying and flopping onto the ground. Tam almost jumped up to try and help or catch her, but she wouldn't have made it in time anyway and she just chuckled softly while Juniper gathered herself up to try again.

This time around Juniper did manage to remain upright even if her stance was a little disheveled and lopsided from her landing. Tamsyn grinned at Junipers excitement as her daughter exclaimed how she hadn't fallen that time and questioned how she had done. "Much better, darling!" she said, encouraging her eager daughter as she reached over to ruffle the fur between her ears. "Think more about how you're going to land and getting your paws back on the ground this time around. You can always work on adding more distance to those dodges once you get the landing down, but you need to be ready to jump right into an attack or a defense or even another dodge as soon as you land." She waved her paw for her to continue, adding, "Keep trying! You only get better with practice!" She was always very proud of how bright and easily taught her children were and she loved watching them learn. It was one of her favorite things in this whole world.

Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley