
Dag Nabbit!

Failed solo hunt



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (175)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

7 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1KIce Bridge ExplorerChristmas 2019Treat 2019
05-31-2022, 04:45 PM
ooc//failed solo hunt; Gimli isn't trespassing though his companion does by a few feet on accident before returning to the other side.

He had decided to stay the night just slightly East of here at the falls, and now that it was early morning and the sun was rising on the horizon, it was time to move again. Gimli made his way westward once again, deciding that the east was much too humid and just...too crowded for his liking. He had smelled three, maybe four different packs on his way to the falls in the Eastern lands alone, and he didn't particularly like feeling surrounded by them. However, in his hurry to move, he had forgotten to at least grab a couple of fish from the pool to eat on the way out. And the rations from the deer he had hunted a few days prior were already running low. He paused for a few moments to pull out a couple of pieces of deer jerky from his pack. He ate one and gave the other piece to Knut. His faithful companion had been a valuable asset in his life since he met him, and despite the pair's constant quarrels with one another, Gimli wouldn't trade the cat for the world. Knut was his only friend and confidant, though, at this point, he was more like family than anything else.

Wordlessly, the two of them ate in silence for a few minutes before continuing on their way. Within a few minutes more, they had found a fresh warren that smelled heavily of rabbit. While he knew rabbits weren't going to be particularly fat this season, food was food and he wasn't about to pass up the opportunity for a meal. Not in Winter. That would be a rookie mistake. Motioning to Knut, the cat positioned himself among the grasses that sat above the warren, while Gimli waited a couple of yards away just out of sight. The rabbit would be back soon if it wasn't already inside its den. If that were the case, it was just a matter of playing the waiting game at that point.

Several minutes passed as the pair waited. And waited. And waited some more. While most would grow impatient and probably find something else, Gimli was of the patient sort. Especially when it came to food. He watched and waited, body pressed low to the ground as he blended with the earth.

Finally, they caught the sound of movement nearby, and soon enough, a white hare had come bounding into view. Black beady eyes watched its surroundings, though it didn't seem to notice the two predators. Knut pressed himself further against the earth, practically melting into it entirely. As it slowly made its way towards its warren, it stopped as another sound in the distance seemed to draw its attention. It stood there. One sat there motionless, and while Gimli was patient, he was starting to get annoyed.

Knut, on the other hand, didn't want to wait anymore. Before Gimli could decide what to do, he suddenly saw Knut leap from his position towards the hare. Surprised, the hare scrambled and squealed as Knut's appeared to get it in his clutches. But as a result, Knut hadn't made a clean landing and had faltered a moment while the hare flailed and kicked, catching Knut's chin with a hindfoot and causing the cat to stumble back. The hare made a mad dash the opposite way from its den, and then Knut and Gimli gave chase.

Cursing under his breath, Gimli ran after the little beast with Knut hot on his heels. It zig-zagged across the snow, diving under bushes and zipping around trees trying to lose them, but to no avail. At least...not yet. Drawing closer to the hare, Gimli and Knut were nearly upon it. Focused on the hunt, Gimli almost missed the scent of pack markers up ahead. He skids to an ungraceful halt, kicking up dirt and snow as he stopped just a couple of yards shy of the border. "Stop Knut!" He shouted, but the cat had already passed the border by a few feet before he realized his mistake.

Skidding to a halt himself, Knut quickly bounded back to the rogue side of the land muttering curses under his breath. "I almost had it! Just a few feet more, and-" "Aye, but we can't hunt on pack lands! Do ye know who lives here, hm? That damned sister o' mine..." He growled as he stared daggers at the border. Had the borders not been there, they would've had their catch. But as it was, the rabbit was now in Habari territory.

Grumbling, Gimli moved further away from the border so as not to antagonize anyone who thought he was trespassing on purpose or something. If they said anything while he was now trying to skirt the borders, he'd explain that Knut's trespassing was an honest mistake. And that thanks to them, they now had a piece of prey running around in their land...

Word count: 822
