
Trip And I Fall




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
05-31-2022, 09:26 PM

Manea fell into the feeling of the hunt fairly easily and as they made their way through the Polar Sound she tried to think of the last time she had been on a hunt other than quick, opportunistic hunts around the pack lands just to do a bit of replenishing to their stores. It had been far longer since she had gone out on a real hunt like this for fun. In fact, she was pretty sure the last time had been with Alastor when they took their trip to Auster while doing everything in their power to create Fiametta. She smirked a little at the memory, but luckily the scent of elk pulled her attention back quickly and she continued to move through the wintery landscape toward what she imagined would become their targets.

They approached the clearing where a few elk were grazing on the grass that managed to remain poking through the winter snows. She glanced toward Relm and without a word the pink-marked woman began to move around the clearing. Luckily, Manea was an experienced enough hunter to understand and she began to move a short distance in the opposite direction where she would be more in the path of the elk once Relm began to run them. She found a good hiding spot and crouched down among the shrubbery, waiting patiently for Relm to get into position. She spotted a flash of movement across the clearing, signaling to her where Relm was without the elk noticing. She coiled her muscles under her, an eager grin tugging at her lips while she waited for the hunt to kick off in earnest.

She didn't have to wait for long as she watched Relm burst out from where she had been lying low, startling the elk and quickly getting them moving in her direction. Manea's gaze followed the elk cow that she had her sights on as they all started charging toward the trees and away from who they thought their predator was, right into the reach of their actual predator. Timing her leap perfectly, Manea sprung forward and with in two strides she was upon the cow and leaping up to hooking her deadly claws into its back between its shoulders. She pulled herself up quickly and latched her jaws onto the back of its neck near the base of its skull, turning its head and causing it to stumble from its path, slipping on the snow and beginning to fall. Manea let go at the last moment and rolled out of the way as she tumbled to the ground to avoid getting crushed under the weight of the elk. She was back on her paws within moments and from where she was the elk's hind legs were closest to her so she grabbed one of its flailing, kicking legs before it could get up and with her jaws around its knee joint and her paws grabbing on to the meter parts of its leg she was able to pull with her jaws and push with both of her paws, snapping the limp at the joint and mangling the tendons so if it did try to stand up it wouldn't get very far.

"Manea Mendacium"