
Repeat After Me




Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Extra small

Pride - Bisexual
05-31-2022, 09:43 PM

Her mother was the biggest support to her and the best teacher in the entire world! Even when she wasn't doing things perfectly, Tamsyn always found a way to boost up little Juniper's confidence and self-esteem in herself. The lessons were fun and engaging, and even though she pushed her mom's buttons, she always learned and retained the information Tam passed on to her. Juniper gave a series of girly giggles when Tamsyn ruffled the downy puppy fur between her ears, taking a playful snap at her dam's toes. Tam told her to keep practicing, and so that's exactly what Juniper did. The pup returned to her fighting stance once more, body tensed and muscles coiled, ready to spring. Then she bounced to the side, catching herself much in the same way she did the second time. Better, but not perfect. The girl huffed and reset her stance. Again and again she tried, bouncing to and fro, each time getting more used to how to position her paws when landing. It took a few tries, but each attempt was more accurate than the last.

After some attempts, Juniper dodged to her right, her paws landing just right, and her body sinking easily back into her crouched fighting stance once more in one seamless move. A surprised gasp left the pup and her face illuminated with awe. "Mom! Did you see that? I did it!" she cheered, almost bouncing in place, but remembering not to lose her stance. She tried another dodge, landing without the grace and finesse her mother had from years of experience, but managing to keep her form and stick her landing again. Juniper released giddy giggles, her whole body practically vibrating she was so excited to have the basic dodges down!

"Juniper of the Sea"