
The Fool


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
05-31-2022, 11:09 PM
Ricin plays the dutiful tour guide, pointing out landmarks and listing off what he knows. The way Sybil’s pale brow furrows has the blue boy wondering if she is lost. He goes on, only turning his full attention back to her once he had pointed out the volcano. A happy smile rests on his lips as he looks to the white wolf-dog waiting to hear if his landmarks had helped her. She deflects his question, asking instead about the packs and a light blue brow lifts in silent question. However, he chooses to allow her this change of topic and huffs out a breath that turns into a cloud of steam. A thoughtful look crosses the boy’s features as he begins, “Well, from the ones I have met, they vary. There is one called the Armada whose Alpha is very tall. They seem to like fighting the most.”

Humming softly for a moment, Ricin scrunches up his face as he tries to remember what other pack members he had met. Oh right! The two members down in Auster! Face brightens as his ruby eyes look to Sybil, offering, “I know there is another pack down in Auster that has a wild dog as a member. He is really cool and very colorful. That pack was more secretive but the two members I met were nice. The dog likes to explore like me.” A thought occurs to Ricin and he adds, “Oh, uh, this place is made up of two continents. We are in Boreas right now and the other is across a land bridge in the south. When it is winter here, it is summer down there. It is really strange!”

Looking around, he tries to think of what he missed and almost slaps his forehead as he looks back to the white wolf. Chuckling, Ricin says, “Oh, yeah, the pack I am apart of is called Elysium. The pack is run by Manea, who is a very nice wolf. She took my brother and I in when we were pups. There are a lot of her family members that make up the pack and they have customs that we all have to respect. Everyone there is really nice.” Well, they have all been mostly nice to the pale blue boy and he hates to a grudge. Shuffling his paws, the boy awkwardly kicks at the snow with a front paw as he says, “Would you like to meet them?” He doesn’t know why he feels like a pup tripping over his paws all of the sudden.

Well, worst comes to comes worst, they can get away from the crypt and he might be able to convince Chade to catch her some food. Bashfully the blue boy looks at Sybil, as he continues to roll the snow around with his paws.

"Ricin Dauner"