
Spa Day

Manea ♡


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
05-31-2022, 11:41 PM
Alastor did so enjoy the way Manea liked to show off and flaunt herself for him, as he noticed when she gave her voluptuous a little extra sway with her steps, very nearly tempting him to derail their path just to ravage her then and there in the winter woods. He knew Manea would have loved if he'd done that just as much as the surprise he had in store for her, but he was so looking forward to getting to spoil his wife, so he reined in his baser urges for now. He did love how her body had transformed after having their children, however: her slender form taking on more supple curves in all the right places, her trim and toned stomach nestled perfectly between rounded chest and curvaceous hips. Manea had been stunningly gorgeous to him before, but the way her body had changed during and after pregnancy had turned her into a drop dead sexy fertility goddess in his eyes. She was more beautiful now than she ever had been before, and it did indeed make the brute crave her in primal ways more often than ever.

The surprise that painted her features had been just the reaction he'd hoped for as he revealed her surprise to her. The more he explained, the more she grinned, and he was rewarded with an affectionate lick to one red-tipped ear that flicked from her gentle affection. Alastor gave a laugh and smiled brightly when she complimented his efforts. "Nonsense! This was nothing compared to-" Alastor's words were cut off by a sharp inhale of breath when he felt Manea's silken tail brush up the back of his thigh, drawing near to some very sensitive parts of his anatomy, but just avoiding them. "-to all that you've done to show your love for me." He finished his sentence and shot a smoldering lecherous look to his mate. He had planned for the two of them to enjoy some sex together during her spa day for sure, but it seemed Manea would be testing his ability to hold himself back today, making herself as teasing and tempting as she could be. If she wasn't too careful, then she'd have her massive dire wolf foregoing his plans in favor of some more physical plans with her.

Manea chose the hot spring first and settled herself into the steaming hot water of the large pool. While she got settled in, Alastor moved over to the side of the spring and gathered up the supplies and snacks, bringing them closer to her for ease of reach. When she asked him for one of the skins, Alastor happily nodded and grabbed one of the full mead skins, passing it to her with a soft chuckle when she mentioned how he should join her and brought up a shoulder rub. "It would be my pleasure, my alphess," he said in rich, husky baritones, a charming smile on his face while he subtly stroked Manea's dominant side with his words. After making sure the other mead skins and fragranced oils were easily in reach, Alastor hoisted himself over the earthen lip around the hot spring and lowered himself into the pool of water, also releasing a sigh and a pleased murr as the warmth seeped through his body, chasing away the winter chill. His flowing black coat melted like strands of liquid obsidian in the water, clinging to his toned form in obvious ways while he moved to position himself with his back to the wall of the pool, seating himself comfortably on the ledge of stone that ran around the inside of the spring.

Alastor then reached over to Manea, grabbing her by the waist to pull her closer to him with a playful smile, the water making her feel even lighter than she was to him and easier to manhandle and maneuver. He slid his queen to his side, leaning in to nuzzle her cheek and the side of her neck affectionately, and then hoisting her up to settle her on the ledge in front of him with her sitting between his legs and virtually in his lap with her back reclined into his chest. Massive onyx paws slid slowly from Manea's waist up her slender sides until they rested on her shoulders. Soft paw pads pressed and squeezed over her shoulder blades, working in smooth and rolling motions to work the tension out of her shoulders and upper back. "How's this, my love?" he asked in his deep, almost growling tones, leaning in to nuzzle and kiss tenderly along the back of her neck while his paws continued to work over her back and shoulders, seeking out any points that made her react strongly to know where needed the most attention.

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
