




2 Years

06-01-2022, 11:14 AM
Unbreakable Survivor

The last few days the girl had been wandering her new home. Well, more like bumbling due to her lack of knowing where everything was. There was quite a bit to explore, and it had taken up a lot of the youth’s time. The island cluster was bigger than she had thought. However, most of the individual isles were of smaller size and easily traversable. It honestly surprised her just how big the whole place was. At least it kept her busy.

Ciannait was quick to find the land bridges which connected each isle thanks to her innocent following of others. Their discovery had made the yearling feel like an idiot. Now she understood why Venom had looked at her the way she did the night Cian had swam to the island. The slender youth hadn’t asked to follow those who she did to find the bridges though. She didn’t like being guided around when she could be subtle about it and simply act like she knew exactly where she was going. The girl didn’t enjoy asking for help, especially when she could figure things out by other means. Still, some had noticed the new girl, offered to help her even, and she had occasionally accepted their offers when they had noticed her shadowing them. Otherwise she casually followed from a distance, learning the routes to the different places around the islands.

Today was like any other day for the gold painted youth. Exploring, taking a break, and exploring some more. A few times she had left the archipelago to break up her day a bit and to explore the surrounding area. Besides those small excursions, she had remained on the isles. As the willowy limbed peasant continued on her mission to know the packland, Cian caught on to the voices of others nearby. Well, that was an opportunity to get to know at least a couple of the wolves here. The Empress had expressed this as a necessity in order to become a full member of the pack. So instead of shadowing the other wolves she had stumbled upon in her wandering, this time the striped youth decided to try and actually interact with them.

The youth continued forward towards the sound of a speaking wolf. The sound was female, and from what Ciannait could pick out was asking for help on a hunt. That single request perked the youth’s interest and her gait sped up, but only just. Once she was close enough, Cian spotted the owner to the voice, a smaller russet female, though she seemed quite stout in build. The one which the russet woman was speaking to was much taller, her build much like Ciannait’s in its slenderness. However, it wasn’t the height, nor the dancer-like appearance that caught her attention. Rather, it was the speckled markings, the horns, quills, as well as the lengthy whiskers that truly pulled the youth’s eyes. She reminded the Adhil youth of the Empress, though their markings differed quite widely, the coloration was there as were those quills. Perhaps she was related to the Empress. Though in what way the new girl didn’t know. Yet.

The speckled woman seemed pretty relaxed, stating that a bigger hunt was due. Well, might as well see what she could do to help. Small prey was easy, but if they were going to hunt something bigger like the taller woman suggested, it might be a good idea to have more than the two of them. ”Sorry for interrupting,” Cian stated, announcing her presence to the two of them, ”But I overheard you two talking about a bigger hunt,” the youth continued as she switched her focus between the two of them. ”Would you two mind if I joined you?” the earthen toned youth asked, ”Though I’m not experienced in hunting bigger prey, I can offer what help I can.” Cian added quickly, as she now stood to the left of the russet woman, though not close enough to brush fur. That would be weird.

OOC || —
