
The Worst Is Over




4 Years
Chrono I

06-01-2022, 02:58 PM
Reila was more than thrilled as Chimera bent to her paws, she loved doing this for him. Maybe it was a little reminiscent of her past but it was what she wanted to do. She never really wanted Chimera to take advantage of her, in any way. But she would have let him and she would still be happy to be with him like this. He had commented on how maybe she needed the break too which wasn't exactly wrong but, "I'm happy to be here. With you." She mused through a gentle tone as she kept her work on him. As his tail thumped back on her rump she hummed out a little chuckle but didn't say anything after, just focused on the massage that he may have grown familiar with in her presence.

She worked him from shoulders to hips spending more time in the areas he seemed to enjoy more or needed more attention, and she was getting that idea in her head of the last time they had spent like this. She had fantasized of Chimera before, if only subtly in her dreams but for a long time she had wondered what it would be like to take that step forward with him. Before they had talked about it and before Aliana's own concern about their time together. But when she looked at Chimera, she saw something completely different than when she was with Erystotle. Erys was very highly held in her mind, but she just saw the two in different spectrums. She had learned to care about Erys just in the short time they had spent together where being with Chimera had been so prolonged she was getting thirsty for him. At least knowing that she wouldn't panic when she asked Chimera for more was easily enough for her to pursue her emotions. She just hoped he wanted the same too.

When she reached the end of him, her paws moved back up his spine just a little distance where she went to hug around the very sensitive areas of his stomach just in front of his thighs. She obviously couldn't reach anything too sensitive due to their difference in size. But she slowly ran her dainty paws and claws carefully over this area a few times before she leaned forward slightly over him to whisper, "Do you ever think about me Chimera?" Her emotions were wholly because of what she could imagine under him. Her breath was heady, lustful, she was hoping he'd enjoy her act as a seductress. She'd do it anywhere really, but something about having him out here alone illuminated by the fire just made the scene feel so right to her. She had no doubts, she was extremely confident and that showed in her voice and actions. "When you're fucking? When you're cumming?" She was not really serious, honestly she wouldn't expect him to respond at all. She didn't mean any disrespect to him or his queens. But it should have given him a very clear shot at her intentions. Her paw pads ran up onto his back where she leaned forward a little more, "Roll over." She commanded him again but in no real form of authority of him. Maybe he'd assume or maybe she'd have him wondering what was coming next.
