
Sneaking Out Past Curfew

Venom and Plague



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-01-2022, 05:52 PM

Typically her sister was very predictable and dutiful in her ways. He pretty much always knew what to expect from her and where to find her when he needed her. It was partially because of her natural tendencies and also because of how much time they and spent together and how well he knew her. Well, at least he thought as much until recently. The fact that she had been disappearing mysteriously for a fairly lengthy period of time occasionally didn't slip past him, especially not with him living in the palace with her and so often seeing her come and go. This day in particular he had gone looking for her to discuss something about his children and their upcoming placements with their new mentors, but hadn't been able to find her. It wasn't exactly odd to not be able to find her for small bits of time while she was out hunting or doing a patrol, but as time went on and she didn't return he realized this was once again one of those times when she had vanished—for what reason he didn't know.

Even though he didn't necessarily want to pry into things that she obviously didn't feel like sharing with him, he just couldn't help himself and went patrolling around the border to see if he could find any traces of where she had gone. He did find a fairly fresh bit of her scent—along with a male's scent that he didn't recognize. It caught his attention and made him far more curious than he should probably be, but with how her last relationship had ended he would be lying if he didn't feel a fair bit protective over his sister and her heart. He didn't even know if this was anything to be concerned over or tied to all of the other times that she had gone missing recently, but his interest was captured and despite himself he settled against one of the trees as the world began to descend toward evening, wondering if he'd catch a glimpse of who had been stealing her away.

Sure enough, he spotted his sister in the distance walking with a larger male colored in white and a deep blue, the two of them walking very closely together from what he could see from where he was sitting. It made his brows lift with surprise and he got up, following through the trees at a distance until they stopped at the border as they seemed to be saying goodnight. He couldn't hear them from where he was standing and with his curiosity and suspicion gnawing at him he curved his path to move closer to the border, trying to make it look like he just happened upon them while doing an evening patrol. He neared them just as Venom pressed into the stranger with an affectionate hug that spoke volumes about just how comfortable she was with the man—physically at least. That caught him off guard a bit considering how very few times he had ever seen her like this with her previous mate and it made his curiosity burn all the brighter.

"Oh! Venom!" he called as he walked over to where the pair the pair was standing, giving her a little smile before glancing his emerald gaze toward the loaner with a barely held back uncertainty and suspicion. "I was just wondering where you had been. Who's your friend?" It was so unlike her to do things so spur of the moment and without a purpose or cause and he just had to know who this male was that had pulled out some sort of wild streak in his dear sister.

Plague | Viridis | Procella