
The Worst Is Over




4 Years
Chrono I

06-01-2022, 07:06 PM
Reila wasn't disappointed by Chimera's action, she wasn't expecting a response. She expected he got plenty from his queens, and it was just an effort to be a tease in what she said. She did think about him sexually, but she didn't while she was with Erys. She had thought that maybe that would have been different, that she would have felt bad thinking of Chimera the whole time. But she didn't. All of her focus was on Erystotle during those moments, and she wanted to please him as much as he was doing for her.

Chimera flipped as she had suggested, her heated gaze met back with his as he looked down the length of his body at her and once he seemed comfortable enough she mounted him again from this side. Her eyes never left his though. Her paws placed on his chest while she waited a few seconds just searching around his face until she dipped her muzzle down to kiss him soft and deep if he allowed. But she wouldn't just jump on him there, even though she was already on top of him. As she pulled herself back away from his face she continued her massaging paws along the crest and insides of his shoulders and moved down along the sides of his ribs exactly the way she had the last time. She lifted her own lower parts so they wouldn't connect with his and her chest slowly slid over his bulk as she kept working. Again, finishing at his hips, her paws moved upwards to hook around them as her eyes looked up towards his face again. "Are you satisfied?" She asked him exactly the same as she had the last time they were here, but her intentions and her gaze were much more suggestive to what she wanted. Her paws gently squeezed over his groin section there, and her face dropped dangerously close to the part of him that may or may not have been begging for more. She'd wait to see what he had to say, but she figured she'd go ahead with what she wanted to do with him anyway.
