
Leave It Up To Fate


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
06-01-2022, 09:50 PM

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the fact that she had failed to do something so simple. Greed had been so straightforward with his words...quick and to the point. He didn't beat around the bush with anything which was what she liked about him. She knew she needed some more work with socializing...she hadn't exactly done that since her parents had passed away, and since she'd been on her own. With Greed though, she had no trouble talking. She trusted him with her life and found that he was easy to talk to despite his outward hard and closed off appearance.

To her delight, however, Artorias and Briar agreed and seemed more than happy to tell them about their pack. Her heart lifted with hope and her tail slowly wagged. She looked to Greed again, a smile on her features this time as she followed the pair, Greed walking at her side, of course. Artorias explained to them, what the Hallows was about. And as she listened, she couldn't deny that it sounded similar to what her mother once started. Avalon had created a pack in similar nature way before she was born, and she had learned all about it from her and Greed. Her mother had been a kind, fair and forgiving woman despite all the hardships she'd been through, and even up to the end, she held onto her values and of course, Claire was practically Avalon's spitting image in terms of personality.

As they walked across the plains, she could see the castle looming in the distance. Her ears perked up as she looked at it, and memories of her mother's description of it came rushing in. She had been told how grand it was, and how the Ancora family once lived in these very lands when her eldest brother led the family. Back then though, there wasn't a whole lot of focus on making the castle into their image. Dragon nor any of the Ancora family particularly cared about vanity nor making physical things into their image. They were more about bonding and passing on memories and stories of their history. While Greed had once lived in that very castle and these very plains, this was the first time she was seeing any of it.

"So where are you both coming from? Have you been surviving on your own until now?" Her attention turned from the castle to Artorias and Briar. She wasn't sure what to tell them, but she could at least give them the gist of it. "We have been loners for the better part of a year or longer now, mostly living in the North where my family clan once called home." She cleared her throat as she thought about how to proceed...but she knew no matter how she said it, it still wasn't easy. "My mother and father passed away when I was very young. As did my eldest siblings. Greed was very much a part of our family having grown up with them, so..." She turned to him, amber gaze looking at him with a sort of gratefulness. "Were it not for him, I probably wouldn't have survived."

As for his latter question, she thought about it, but...she couldn't quite think of anything else. She knew little of pack affairs and how they operated, especially when it was a pack she was completely new to. Her old pack had been far, far different than this...everyone was cold and distant, often keeping to themselves. Her siblings included. In the pack that had fallen while under Ignis' had to fight for their freedom to leave..."Out of curiosity...if one wanted to leave, must they challenge for their freedom?" She was still an inexperienced fighter, and until she felt confident enough, she knew Greed would do whatever it took to keep her safe.
