
Heart of a Bear




Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (120)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

06-01-2022, 11:02 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2022, 04:49 PM by Grimoire. Edited 1 time in total.)
He listened to Sirius' explanation of not really knowing the lands the way a native did. While he had no personal experience with packs or why they chose to move, he wondered why this guy had decided to move his pack north. Surely there were better, warmer places no? Maybe the Armada moved for their own personal reasons. This guy didn't seem all that bad. He was showing politeness that Grimoire was familiar with, but he knew looks and outward pleasantries could be deceiving. Not that he was judging Sirius or anything, he was just like that with everyone until they proved he could trust them. "What's your name?" Whoops. He had forgotten to introduce himself, hadn't he? One of the downsides of living alone practically as a hermit was that he didn't have many social interactions. He had completely forgotten that telling someone your name after someone offered theirs was something he should've done...

"Grimoire Ancora. Er...former cave hermit, I guess." He flicked an ear out of embarrassment. So he didn't have a pack...or a place to call home shame in that...right? Sirius settled down, and Grim resigned himself to doing the same. He supposed he was going to be here for a little while, which was fine. He didn't mind a little conversation all things considered. "Perhaps you could tell me a little of the Northern lands? Was your family a part of a pack?” He nodded, thinking for a moment. "My family has not been a part of a pack for a while...though my father was an alpha once. And my grandmother before him, and my grandfather before her. That was all way before my time, though. My mother and father passed away, and I imagine my aunts and uncles have as well...or most of them, anyway. I don't know who is still around, haven't met any of them save for one of my aunts, but...I'm pretty sure she's dead now, too." They had all died of old age save for Avalon's youngest litter...and he knew his father had other kids roaming around, but he had no clue where they were.

"As for the North, well...I should warn you it's not an easy place to live if you're not prepared. I've found bodies frozen in the snow. Some starved, others ill-prepared for the blizzards that tend to just come out of nowhere. Food can be pretty scarce around this time of year, too. I always made it a point to stock up before winter, but...everything I had was recently lost when a bear chased me out of my home." His voice was bitter as he sulked about the thought. Worst time of year to be chased out by a stupid bear...