
Keep Your Head Up


10-06-2013, 12:08 AM

She had never been far but then again she had never been especially near, slithering through the shadows and living in the darkness of her own mind since that first pack meeting. She should have been ruling beside her love, should have been lending a paw but she had been unable to bring herself to do such a thing. She wanted nothing more then to live out the rest of her life in blissful solitude, maybe with Newt but honestly Zara couldn't blame her if she wanted greater things. But these last few months since Tortuga had once more fallen and Newt had vanished once more had been hard on the massive female, hunger eating away at fat and then muscle on the once massive female. Still and imposing figure, though, much of her bulk now came from her fur. It was the first harsh winter night that had made her realize that she needed a pack to survive. And so she had headed up the mountain with a slow confidence, crooked tail hung low and scarred face lowered so her nose almost hit the ground. She knew most of these paths well enough but should something spring forth in her path her nose would hit it before she tripped.

She was just approaching the boarder when the howl went up and the giant of a woman lifted her head, scarred features contorting into a frown as frayed and town ears fluttered in an attempt to discern the sound. Male defiantly, so there was a new king? Tortuga had changed paws once more? Curiosity caused her to move uninvited into the lands, nose once again lowering to scout the path before her. Nose was constantly sniffing, drawing in the scents of the various pack members but non she recognized. Since loosing her sight her nose had led her and it wasn't often that she forgot a scent... A woman's voice marked the presence of the others and as she drew closer she could hear their breath and heartbeats well enough to mark their general locations. She approached slowly, half due to need and half to let the pair know her presence.

"Lord, Madame... I've come to seek acceptance into your pack. My mate was the last queen of these lands thought I've lost her since we disbanded... I can offer services as a medic and as a warrior if needed..." Her words were a slow rumble, addressing both present at first, heading turning to each as if milky gaze could see them. But after her words were addressed to the male alone. The female seemed familiar, her scent holding a strange tinge to it. Family? She would have to ask later if her proposal was accepted. The once battle hardened female could handle one on one battles still well enough, as long as she could get them in close enough and keep them close but a war was no longer in her cards. She would be happy to live the rest of her years treating the wounded and pup sitting if it would be allowed. The scarred woman had always loved children, and from the sounds of things war was in the air with Glaciem and Valhalla. Where this new pack stood she didn't know, if there were even pups to be tended to she didn't know but she would do what she could.

"Talk here."