
Leave It Up To Fate


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
06-02-2022, 12:07 AM

"I am sorry to hear of your family, Claire. I couldn't imagine what that must be like. It sounds like you're very fortunate you both have one another." She nodded to the pair of them as they offered their sympathies. Indeed, she was grateful to have Greed in her life, and incredibly so. Without him, she wasn't sure if she would've survived on her own...not very well at least. She was the type that liked community and stability. She was of the familial sort, especially considering her mother and father were quite elderly when she was born. She leaned into Greed as silent thanks for his presence during her time in the world, and for the situation now as she learned about the pack she was considering. They seemed friendly and amicable, and when Artorias explained that wolves who chose to be here weren't forced and they had the option to leave when they wished, only further fueled her decision that this might be where she would settle.

She followed them along the edge of the territory, casting her gaze out to the shimmering ocean as she listened to them talk. Everything about this place seemed promising, and surely it was fate that led her here. After all, her family once called this place home...surely it wasn't just a coincidence that the Hallows and its ideals lined up with her lifestyle, right? "It all sounds so...wonderful. Certainly something I feel fits what we've been searching for. My mother had similar ideals, and while I wish I could've lived in the times my ancestors led their packs, I'm sure they would've been similar to yours." She glanced at Greed, and then at the King and Queen. "I hope I'm not rushing into anything, but...I think this is where we would like to call home if you'll have us."
