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The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
06-02-2022, 01:36 AM

"The only reason I'm familiar with it is because I ended up in the same situation one time while I was traveling. My brother was around to get me out, but it's certainly no fun." Well, at least he wasn't the only one. He was glad that someone had been around to get him out...he would've been even more embarrassed if he ended up having to call for Claire to help him, and knowing her, he would've likely gotten an earful about not being careful, else worse could've happened. But that aside, he was far more interested in the answer to his question. "Oh, uh... Well, my parents are Evander and Iris... The only grandparent I've ever met was Tiburtius Armada, but I know his parents were Athena and Vereux," Remus' parents were not names he recognized, but Tiburtius he vaguely did, and Athena and Vereux he definitely knew. Well...Vereux, at least. He knew that Avalon and Vereux had been together for a short time before he died of an illness or something, but they had had a litter together. He didn't know where those kids (now adults) had gone, but they were likely in the elder range, too.

"Why? Did you know a lot of Armada wolves or something? I heard a lot of stories growing up, but I haven't actually found anyone that's known about them since I got to Boreas." Greed heaved a sigh. What were the odds? He never imagined he would find others that were related to him in some way..."Well...I guess you could say that." He cleared his throat as he sighed again. How embarrassing to meet someone like this. Especially a relative... If he had actual hands, he'd be running one down his face. "Greed Armada. My mother was Abelinda Armada. My uncle was Isardis, which I'm sure you've heard all about. I've never met him personally, but I know everything there was to know about him and...just about everyone else."

He knew Remus' great grandparents were siblings...but he didn't know if he knew that, so opted not to mention it for now. "I guess were some sort of cousins or something." He shrugged, unsure how to feel about the whole thing.


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