
Leave It Up To Fate


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
06-02-2022, 02:06 AM

"Well, I suppose this is more of a 'welcome home' for you then, Greed. Ironically, it was much the same way for the other Armada who used to live here," She couldn't help the quiet giggle and the smile that she shot towards Greed when Artorias said that. Indeed, it had been years since her friend had been here. He had been loyal to her mother and the Ancora family, following them wherever they roamed, even if it took him away from the places he adored. "You've both been cordial, respectful, and I believe we share the same goal of leaving the world better than we found it. The Hallows would be delighted to welcome you both!" She perked up and her tail wagged as she excitedly looked at her companion. "Thank you! Oh, I truly appreciate it! Er, we both do! I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to begin this new journey," He explained that they were welcome to choose their own rooms in the castle if they so chose, or had the option to dig out their own dens in the plains. She nodded her thanks as the King announced them as new members of the pack.

He went on to wanting to give them a tour of the castle, which admittedly, she was all too eager to see. Greed had told her all about it, but actually seeing it would be another story! The pair followed, her excitement rising though she listened to Artorias explain the rules of the pack to which she nodded. They seemed easy enough to follow, and she would certainly work to familiarize herself with how things worked around here. "Oh, before I forget, if either of you have an aptitude in any skills, I'd be glad to get you with some of your new pack mates who share those skills. We have five paths: fighters, healers, hunters, scouts, and scholars. You don't have to pick now, you can feel them out for a while." Claire grew thoughtful for a moment, though when Briar mentioned crafting and winemaking, Claire's ears perked up. "Well...Greed has been teaching me how to fight. He's an excellent teacher. He's been in raids, and was one of the top warriors back in the day! He even saved me a few times when other predators ambushed me," She wasn't the best fighter just yet. She still had a long way to go, but she also kept comparing herself to the older male and wanted to be as good as hime one day. Turning to Briar, she was interested in her tasks. "I would love to help you, crafting and winemaking sound very interesting."

To the both of them she added, "If you both don't mind, I would like to feel out my path. I didn't get much of an opportunity in our old pack. Although Greed has been mentoring me, I'm not quite confident yet in my abilities as a fighter." Not yet at least...someday maybe...
