



10-06-2013, 01:29 AM

He would grow wary beneath the snickering form of the strange woman, the apparent tension that sizzled between herself and Sendoa enough to persuade The King this woman was not of a character he would partner with. Her words only encouraged him more so, her request for an alliance one that wasn?t particularly surprising; not that in his entire year of reign he had ever been asked before. He wasn?t a King to ally, as was true to most genuine Kings; there was no ?we? in this world, only I. Did this skull-bearing creature think she could openly waltz into his favours, join her handful of new forces with his established army and call it a day?

He chuckled weakly, the answer already so obviously upon his mind. However, something would cause the angel to roll over a potential prospect, reminding himself of the upcoming war with Valhalla and lightly pondering whether or not this woman was worth having at the ready. A sideways glance was cast to Sendoa, thoughtful plans beginning to brew within the backdrops of his ruby gaze, perhaps she could be convinced? ?I hope your forces are larger in number than the three women you present yourself with, o?confident one,? attentions would skip between the pretty new arrival and back to the skulled woman. ?It would be unwise to suggest we are alike banshee, and there will be no ?we?. However, I am willing to trial this alliance you suggest. It consists of no more than leaving one another be, unless of course, your people are needed for battle,? If she couldn?t handle the realities of what he so wished then she could take her leave; Glaciem was no ally to the weak. He awaited a scowl of disapproval from Sendoa, but it would likely fall upon deaf ears; he would inform her of his intentions once the new leader had departed.