
slap a band-aid on it



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
06-02-2022, 07:18 AM

Taking a seat herself so that she could use both of her forepaws to examine the injury, her eyes flickered over to the midnight boy. She could sense the fire lingering behind his eyes that dared to flare up at her brusque ways. "Usagi, how fitting," she mused quietly under her breath as a smile tinged at the corner of her lips. Flicking her gaze away from him and back to the injury, it was obvious why his mother had named him as such. She wondered if it ever brought teasing from others as grew, but that was perhaps a conversation for later.

Tenshi's amusement quickly dissipated when he mentioned that trespassers needed to be dealt with. Her ears folded back as her own heart drummed faster in her chest. Taking a deep breath, she pushed aside her own feelings and nodded firmly. "Appears they may have gotten the best of you," she tsk'd quietly as one of her paws gently placed itself under his smashed ankle. Letting him rest the injury in her paw, she turned it as gently as she could to see how far it extended. Hopefully, the mixture she had told him to drink would be taking its effects by now.

Glad that the injury had ripped open the skin, she scooped up some of the other mixture and began to gently slather it over the injury. As tender as a mother could care for her own pup, Tenshi took her time. "You are going to need to rest for as long as possible. See me every other day to change the bandage. Hattori will understand, I am sure," her stern tones do not shift as she glances up at him. "This is going to be the worst part, are you ready?" Questions as her free paw reaches over to grab the softened piece of bark now turned bandage.