
slap a band-aid on it




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
06-02-2022, 11:54 AM

As Usagi allowed his swollen paw to rest in Tenshi’s forepaws, his keen ears - or at least, his flopped one- caught her mumbling sbout how fitting his name was. The faintest appearance of amusement upon her lips was surely a jab at him for being so standoffish as he was, not wanting to be ordered about like a child. Still, he paid no heed to her comment, pretending he didn’t hear it at all as she then cradled his injury in her grasp. She mentioned the trespassers he’d told her about, from where he’d gotten the injury from - and that they’d gotten the best of him. A dry huff swept from his lips as he mentioned flatly, "Or so they thought. Hattori broke my opponent’s ankle in return. An eye for an eye sort of thing." He wished he could’ve smashed the bastard’s paw himself, or worse, and his temper once again licked his soul with a simmering heat, causing him to bristle ever so slightly at the thought of that fight. It was well-fought, and now the Pirates had a swift message to take back to their lawless band. But now he had one less foot to walk on, much less spar or kick with. It left him not so much with anger, but with bitterness, sore and solemn.

Luckily, the strange liquid Tenshi had the Hohei lap up dulled the normally knife-slicing pain to a pulsing throb as she gently extended it, and his breath hitched instinctively in pain as his digits were barely able to bend or stretch at all. It was broken, even he knew it. The puncture wounds from the bite that shattered his ankle were soothingly slathered with a poultice, nothing that Usagi would know about. He stood still as a statue, trusting that if his Kaicho recommended her, he was in good hands. She then explain he’d need to rest, and come to her almost daily for bandage changes. He nodded, though his soul was restless. He knew it would be rough to not be able to spar, track prey, or generally explore the vast bamboo maze until he was healed. Shortly after, Tenshi grabbed a piece of softened bark in one paw, while holding his injured paw in the other. She mentioned this would be the worst part. Oh boy. Forcing himself not to tense up too much, he took a deep inhale as he lowered his head, away from the injury, and said, "I’m ready." One didn’t need to be a healer to know this would hurt.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—