
Dag Nabbit!

Failed solo hunt



Beginner Intellectual (5)

Master Fighter (245)

10 Years

Pride - PolysexualHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-02-2022, 11:56 AM

Eraithus stretched his limbs as he walked across the nook towards the border. Kespie was flying overhead scouting ahead for him as the male made his rounds. After shaking off his soft illness his paws had been itching. It was important for him to stay in shape especially now that he had duties to attend to. He knew he didn't have to, but every chance he got to impress Recluse he had to take. Eraithus' tail wagged happily at the thought life in the pack had been nice. He's grown attached to Habari so quickly not that he ever thought he would be here today. Though his mood was quickly soured as he noticed something awry. Suddenly there was a rabbit heading directly for him. Before he could react Kespie came down and swiped the creature carrying it off before returning with it's limp body. Looking though he could see there seemed to be a wolf scolding his companion. Eraithus ears flicked, didn't a wolf know better than to hunt right near a pack's border? Then again it seemed the scent markers were still in tact and only the companion had gone over a few feet. His head tilted how to deal with the situation. It wasn't as if the wolf had crossed the border but he still didn't think it was a grand idea to be this close to Habari lands.

The blue man approached giving a quick sniff of the air before he replaced the scent markers. Turning towards the male, "Bad hunting luck?" he asked as Kespie was the one who threw the rabbit directly back over the border towards the strangers paws. Winter was here but prey was not scarce, besides Kespie could probably find prey twice as likely. Eraithus wasn't going to let a loner starve or be harmed over one measly rabbit, but he did want the man to know that this probably wasn't the best idea. "Why are you so close to the border hunting? There's plenty of area's away from here that carry rabbits. It's probably best and would avoid an accidental border cross like your friend there." he gestured to the companion keeping his face unreadable and stern.

"Considering it was your companion and not you, I'll let you off with a warning, but again I'd recommend next time hunting well away from any borders." Eraithus sat down tilting his head. He was curious as to what such a GORGEOUS wolf was doing here anyway. He didn't look too bad and he was small too, cute, he thought as he then gave a smile. A change from his stern look from earlier. "My name's Eraithus." he introduced. The male was lucky, Eraithus would have been ready for a fight if his paws had crossed that scent line.

Eraithus has a permanant bend in his tail, giving it a crooked appearance. Some of his art does not depict this.
he has a female snowy owl by the name kespie, it is assumed shes around regardless of mention.