
back at it again




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
06-02-2022, 12:21 PM
Usagi wouldn’t admit aloud that Kuroo’s presence by his side was a comfort he had been missing for some time. Though the brothers slept together still, in the same den, he often didn’t see the other koi for hours in the day - the pups certainly made pack life a bit more hectic and more busy. It was a rare moment, as strange as that felt, for them to be united in an activity they both enjoyed. Mossy gaze trained on the brush still, Usagi felt the continuous prickle of the sun’s heat on his back as he heard his brother whisper, acknowledging his comment with a flick of his flopped ear. As if on cue, a fat boar galloped out of the brush, and then another, and another - a whole heard racing into the open like a hunting field day. Usagi wasted no time - he knew Kuroo would help in any way he asked.

Focusing on the slower boars in the back, he singled out a particularly bulky, lazy, and slow male that struggled to keep up with the rest - but it was neither old nor ill. A perfect piece of prey, if you will. "Be careful of the other boars, keep them at bay while I try to single this one out," He called out to Kuroo, springing forward at a pace that envied that of a chased rabbit. Racing in complete focus, Usagi’s strides lengthened as he gave chase to his target boar, who immediately squealed in alarm. The other boars squealed as well, beginning to scatter if not attempt to drive themselves into Usagi as well. He didn’t care - he had faith that Kuroo would help reign them in so they could get a good catch. The others were too springy and light, anyways, whereas the one he targeted could feed a whole litter of pups, and then some.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—