
Lock Me Behind Bars But Not My Soul.


10-06-2013, 02:15 AM

Her attempts would not go so well. As she had reared up Satis struck, latching onto her lower neck. Eyes widened with fury. Forelimbs came to rest on the most top forward part of the Overseer's shoulder for balance. She would then shake her head and neck left and right. A silent snarl gripped her features, saliva dripping from her fangs. Hindlimbs stayed even, holding most of her weight, tail whipping around like a rudder. Her body heaved with the need for air, in her shaking of the head, she had not realized Satis cut off her airway. Her silent snarl turned to gasps for air as panic sank in.

Black dots swam in her vision, hindquarters trembled, weakening. She would have blacked out excpet for one thought. She had to be awake for Satis's attack, her maim. Part of her wanted to pain, wanted Satis have to look into her eyes as she need the dirty deed for the King. She wanted her gaze to haunt the odd color female for many nights. Pride, it would also not allow her to take the easy route and pass out. Oh no, she would endure this. In a desparate attempt she would suddenly use her forelegs to push away for Satis, at the same time as yanking her throat out of the King's dog's mouth. Skin tore, surely deep enough to leave shallow scars in the future. Her force of pulling away sent her toppling to the ground on her side. She rolled onto her stomach, gasping and heaving for air. All energy was spent. Her franic race to Seracia, the walk back to the north, and now this. She was done, no longer unable to even lift her body from the ground. Her one eyed gaze turned to stare right into Satis's eyes. Pray this at least be a look this female would never forget.
