
Trip And I Fall




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
06-02-2022, 08:52 PM

Manea released the elk's now broken leg and took a step back, looking up to see Relm pinning the large, struggling animal. She had half expected the other woman to just take the kill since it would have been easy enough for her to from her position, but instead she caught the animal's leg and pulled it so that its throat and chest were more exposed, seemingly waiting for her to make the final blow. A little smirk crossed her lips and she cast a curious glance toward Relm as she wondered why that was, but she wouldn't keep the woman or the injured, suffering animal waiting any longer. She moved forward and leapt on top of the elk's chest, her tiger-like claws tearing into the skin as she gripped onto it and held it down as well. Her jaws struck the elk's throat, a delighted growl rumbling in her chest as she crushed down around its windpipe and listened as its panicked bleats cut off and strangled, its blood coating her tongue as she steadily tore the life out of it.

Once she finally felt its heart stop beating and it fell still under her she let go with a dark chuckle, lifting her gaze to look at Relm while she still stood on top of their kill. Her tongue swiped across her lips to lick away the blood that lingered there before she gave Relm a grin, riding that wonderful high she always got after a good hunt. Perhaps beyond her best judgment, Manea leaned forward across the short distance that separated the two women and she flicked her tongue playfully across Relm's lips, her grin widening even more. "That was delightful," she purred with a chuckle. She lingered there for just a moment, hesitating as she fought against some of her baser instincts before she forced herself to turn away and hop down off of the felled Elk with a flick of her tail and a certain, victorious sway to her steps.

She stretched her front paws out in front of her in a long stretch, her tail curling over her back while her toes flexed in the snow, leaving bloodied paw prints behind her as she moved from where her claws had torn into the elk's flesh. When she stood again she turned back toward Relm, her aqua gaze lingering on the pink-marked woman. "You could have taken the kill," she mentioned in a very matter of fact tone, watching her with a certain hunger that she was refraining from indulging in. Considering the already strained relationship they had she didn't think that Relm would take to kindly to her advances, though perhaps she was wrong. It was hard to get a read on the clouded woman. "Why didn't you?"

"Manea Mendacium"