
Heart of a Bear




Expert Fighter (200)

Expert Hunter (120)

4 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

06-02-2022, 10:10 PM
“The Armada was first created as the first line of defense to protect another pack. Because of its roots, we specialize in fighting, and all wolves that join us will learn at least the basics of self-defense.” He nodded as he listened quietly. “We have since grown into something independent, and we are now branching into something new entirely. We are building a market to promote neutrality and trade, but how that turns out is yet to be seen.” A small tilt of his head expressed some interest, and he couldn't deny that the latter part interested him. So the pack had initially been created to protect another pack? Odd. Maybe the other pack wasn't that great if it needed others to protect them. Whatever the case for that was, it seemed the Armada had taken steps to become their own entity. Something that defined them as their own, and not defined by another. He could respect that.

"You mentioned a bear driving you from your cave. Whether you join us or not, I’ll help you get your things back” His ears perked up as a look of surprise crossed his features. He hadn't expected the offer for help so quickly, but he was glad nonetheless. He had precious heirlooms in that cave. The armor his father once wore that he still needed to enhance so it would fit him. The only thing that had stopped him from doing any work on it, was the fact he didn't want to accidentally damage it beyond repair. Of course, he had more than that in the offer to help him retrieve it was a welcome one. "Thank you. I appreciate the offer." He took a deep breath as he considered what Sirius had offered him.

The smarter move would be to join a pack. Especially now that he was homeless. He knew about the northlands and everything about it, so that would help them. Weighing the pros and cons, he decided it was in his best interest at the moment to join. If he decided later that it wasn't for him, well...he'd have to wait and see. "I think joining your pack would be beneficial to the both of us. If you think I could be of some use, then I accept your offer of joining the Armada." One of those you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.