
That One Song From Frozen

Intellect seasonal w/ Ricin


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
06-02-2022, 11:51 PM

Crimson eyes watch Sybil as he apologizes and Ricin takes the huffed reply as the pale girl’s way of accepting it. Tail wags and he smiles, inviting her to play… which she accepts! Eyes brighten with happiness as he asks about making a snow-wolf and, when she admits she hasn’t, the blue boy’s face lights up even more. Eagerly he moves toward her while beginning to explain, “Okay so we are going to make two huge round balls of snow, one a little smaller than the other. You already have one started! So, we take this ball and push it around in the snow.” Blue paws gently take the snowball and roll it through the powder, continually patting it to force the loose powder to stick together.

Pink tongue lolls out of the side of his mouth as he works and after a few moments, he looks to Sybil and says, “See how it is getting bigger? We want to make this one the big ball or the ‘body’ of the wolf. Here why don’t you continue rolling and packing this one and I will start on the head.” Passing off the growing ball, Ricin watches her a moment to help guide her along if needed. Once satisfied, the blue boy gathers some more snow together to start forming his own ball, paws deftly packing it down as he goes. The work is fun but chilly and he pauses to look at Sybil, saying, “You are doing a great job! Hey, why don’t you wear my coat for a bit, I’m getting warm.”

Reaching up, Ricin undoes the clasp at his neck that holds the large pelt in place and swiftly tugs it off. If Sybil allows it, the boy will drape the large cloak over her shorter frame and buckle the clasp for her before returning to his work. The snowballs grow until the body one is big enough to hold up the head. Sitting back, the boy inspects their work, huffing from the exertion it took. Finally, he says, “Okay, now we just have to roll the head up onto the body. Once that is done we can make a snout and ears to add on.” Red eyes move to the pale girl and he smiles warmly, saying, “Ready whenever you are ready!” and waits for her to signal that she is ready to carry on.

WC: 398
Total WC: 1819 / 1500

"Ricin Dauner"