
Born To Be Great?

Plague <3


"Though She Be But Little, She Is Fierce"


Master Fighter (285)

Master Healer (335)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

4 Years

TeacherDouble MasterSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipStudent1K
Snake Eyes
06-03-2022, 02:26 PM
The world seems like such a discouraging place especially in the eyes of sad, crestfallen pup. While the monochrome girl has always been happy and able to find the silver-lining in almost any situation, this one seems impossible to see. Seere has always known that she wants to be a great fighter just like her father and, while she may not be as tall as her siblings, the girl has always thought it possible. But now, after those kids with their hurtful, venom-filled words and knowing exactly how to inflect the most pain… well, the girl doubts herself. Watery eyes look up into her dad’s brilliant green gaze, her smaller frame moving closer to snuggle into him. No matter what happens, Seere has always felt safe in his strong arms. It feels as if the world could fall apart around them and somehow those arms would make everything right.

She asks about being a bad fighter and the confusion that fills his loving eyes has her mismatched gaze sliding away, ashamed of needing to know the answer. Slowly, she explains about the mean kids and the hurtful words they had gleefully spit at her with smiles and laughter. How they had called her a runt. As she talks, her mismatched eyes once more find her father’s face and emotions roll behind their depths. Doubt creeps into her mind, making her wonder if she is a mistake. She knows that she looks nothing like her siblings and she is the smallest of the group. Anguish ripples across her features and her chest constricts as a few tears slip free and trail down her cheeks.

Worry lodging in her gut, making her feel as if she has swallowed a rock. Suddenly, a soft sigh pulls the girl from her thoughts and the feel of gentle kiss placed with great care on top of her head had her world wobbling. Plague speaks, making Seere feel as if he is applying a healing balm on the open wounds of her heart and, when he slips his other leg around her, the monochrome pup scoots closer to him so she can bury her face into his soft fur. A few more tears slide free to dampen her father’s fur but she takes this moment to close her eyes and inhale his scent. It smells of home and love; of days spent in the sunshine and filled with laughter.

It helps to ground the emotional girl and, when he begins to speak about being a good fighter, Seere reopens her eyes and lifts her face from his fur and listening to him with new, brighter purpose blazing in her veins. She is going to prove those stinky kids wrong and become the best fighter they ever met! When her father pulls back to look at her, a fierce dedication can be found burning in her mismatched gaze and where there were once tears is a spark of courage to prove those kids and her own doubts wrong. As he lifts a large to wipe away the tears that linger in her fur, Seere leans into his touch, enjoying how gentle those great paws can be.

A loving smile pulls her lips up as she looks at her father, nodding firmly about her secret weapon as she says, “Oh yeah! I can be fast! Those mean kids couldn’t even catch me, they were so slow.” She giggles at the memory of how angry they had been when she had eluded them, slipping nimbly through cracks that they could not to fit though. Doubt makes a sudden reappearance as her ears fall flat against her skull and she questions, “But dad, if others are so much bigger then me… how am I supposed to bring them down?” Seere knows that pinning is how wolves win fights but if she is smaller and lighter than her opponent, how can she hope to make them crash to earth so she can claim victory?

"Seere Abraxas-Destruction"

Seere has a male Pallas's cat named Paunch and a female barn swallow named Aisling. They are always nearby.