
Born To Be Great?

Plague <3



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
06-03-2022, 03:15 PM

Plague grinned as Seere started to perk up, that endless love and radiant joy that he always admired from her starting to peek back through the storm clouds of emotion as she looked up at him and giggled about the bullies not being able to catch her. "See? Exactly like that." He chuckled, playfully tapping her nose with one of his talons before he lowered it again, giving her another little squeeze. He sincerely hoped that the worst of the world she would ever have to see and experience was mean bullies that teased and picked on her, but he found a bit of comfort in knowing that if she did then he was at least able to teach her the path back to the brighter side of things now while she was still young. He was already well into his adulthood before he learned how to be true to himself and accept himself for what he was and he didn't want that for his children. They were perfect and wonderful exactly as they were and that was a lesson he taught them as often as he could.

He gave her a little tip of his head as she presented new doubts to him over how she could possibly bring a wolf down if she was smaller than them. It was a valid concern, but luckily for her she had a father that was a seasoned fighter that valued strategy above most things in his way of fighting. He grinned and replied, "Well, as a taller wolf myself, I'll tell you... The bigger the wolf, the harder they fall." He chuckled softly and added, "Be fast, stay out from under them, and build up your stamina and at some point you'll catch them making a mistake or leaving something unguarded that you can take advantage of. Maybe their ankles, their belly, something like that. Catch them off guard and you can trip them up to make them fall without having to muscle them down to the ground. They'll do the falling for you." He gave her a curious look and then offered, "Would you like to try it out? Think you can get your old man to fall over?"

Plague Abraxas-Destruction