
Welcome to Ghost Town




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
06-03-2022, 04:14 PM

"No problem," he assured Greed as he took the fur from him and went off to wash up a bit. Remus watched him go for a moment and just shook his head as he quickly threw together the campfire he had been working on before the chance encounter. His mind was reeling with all kinds of questions he wanted to ask the other man, but he didn't even really know where to begin. He had always wondered just how true the stories his Grandpa Tib had told him really were and now he might have a chance to find out more about his distant family. Even his grandfather would admit that he hadn't been as connected to the main family as he could have been since his mother had broken off on her own pretty early in his life so there had to be some things that he hadn't known.

By the time Greed came back there was a small fire going, giving him a bit of light as the night's darkness deepened and some warmth against the winter chill. Remus was sitting by the fire and gestured for Greed to join him as he got close. The older man laid out the fur on a nearby log and then mentioned the horns that curved from his head, mentioning how one day wolves suddenly seemed to start appearing with features that were not 'normal' for their species. He lifted a paw to them, tapping one of them with a little shrug and a slightly self conscious flick of his ears. "Ah... Yeah, I suppose so." He was kind of taken aback by the comment and didn't really know what to make of it. "My father had horns too, but I think he got them from my grandmother." He lowered his paw with another shrug, trying not to think too deeply about the man's observations and the connotation he put with them. "My brother doesn't have them though... So I guess it's a kind of hit and miss thing."

In an attempt to brush off the discomfort he felt, he cleared his throat and gave Greed a slight grin. "So you know a lot about the past of our family, huh? I've heard some things, good and bad, from my grandfather, but it's all just stories, you know? There wasn't many wolves in my family growing up... So I guess I kind of hoped when my brother and I came to Boreas there would be more Armadas to meet. It doesn't seem like there is though." Greed had said himself that it seemed like he was the last one in Boreas until now and it made Remus wonder where they had all gone. Did they all just dissipate to other place the way his grandfather had? It made him curious. "What was it like? Back when the Armada family was huge?"

"Remus Armada"