
Basking Lizards

Revenant <3



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Bisexual
06-03-2022, 06:10 PM

If there was one thing Revenant hated the most, it was patrolling. Not that the prince thought he was above the menial labor, of course. It was more that nothing ever happened and it was soooooo boooooring! Following alongside Athena, the taller lad towered over the shorter warrior, his multihued eyes swaying this way and that to follow what she pointed out to him. The cries of the gulls drifting lazily in the warm summer air, the shift of the cool oceanic breeze, the dense line of palm trees along the beach where predators could hide. That was all well and good—except there were no predators on the island. His father made sure of that. It took all of Revenant's self-control to keep from rolling his eyes at how painfully dull and tedious this whole process was. What exactly was he learning here anyway? How to walk on the beach?

His grumpy sulking was interrupted when Athena pauses them to scent the air again, her expression stiffening as she found something. "What-?" Revenant started to ask, but Athena was already leading them off down the shore to intercept whatever she had discovered. Further on down the waterfront they found it: a saltwater crocodile lounging about in the summer sun. Revenant's eyes lit up with excitement; finally something to fight! Athena motioned to halt and Revenant obeyed, looking to the more seasoned fighter as she explained their strategy. He nodded his head, eyes steeled and focused on their reptilian adversary. "Got it." Then they charged across the sand at the crocodile, Revenant swerving around to the reptile's rear while Athena took its attention from the front. Revenant bared his fangs and snarled as he lunged for the croc's tail, snapping into the thick, leathery skin of the creature. His teeth found purchase, but his jaws weren't quite strong enough to pierce the thick hide of the crocodilian. All it did was earn him the ire of the beast, who rounded on him with a hiss and a snap of his jaws at Revenant, going for the pup.
