
Proserpina Abraxas x Hyacinth Aracari Readoption


Dragon Mod


13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - RainbowPride - DemisexualEaster 2022Toys for Tots
06-03-2022, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2022, 01:07 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 1 time in total.)
Readopting out one pup from this litter! The previous player never made a single post with the pup, so he/she is basically a blank slate!

Alright gals & pals, we have here one (1) available Abraxas child up for adoption! This is from Proserpina's first litter ever, and unfortunately for her, this litter came cursed. (Dice gods wanted her to suffer). So the gist of this is she and Hyacinth had a one-night stand during Sparrow's victory party, but she had been drunk AF and honestly just wasn't thinking straight when they did the thing. She ended up pregert but didn't know it until, well...the use of the cursed litter pass flashed some horrifying scenes before her eyes and it didn't end well for her. Or for her litter. Not only did one child come out disfigured (mushroom eye), but she also lost two pups in the birthing process.

Hyacinth has had absolutely nothing to do with the litter, nor does he know about them, so the pups have been raised by Proserpina in Aerie. Considering the events that unfolded at birth, Ina has been extremely protective of these children and will do everything in her power to make sure they're safe and thriving. I'm going to throw out there that there is likely going to be drama expected with this litter & perhaps the other Abraxas, especially considering the fact that Ina may very well refuse to cull the disfigured pup. Now I don't know what's going to happen exactly in the short or long run of things, whether Ina may have to make difficult choices or if the disfigured pup(s) may deal with a lot of shit (honestly I'm open to another child being deformed too, but it can't be event-related deformity since that was cursed litter pass exclusive). Whatever the case, expect her to do her best for these kids, though also expect that this litter (or at least one or two of 'em) will be subject to facing some very difficult challenges.

Thanks to my last hiatus, Ina was played as being very sick while I've been away, and the pup that was never posted has also been mentioned as being very sick (likely due to the circumstances of their birth, idk.)

Alright, now that that's out of the way, let's get on to the rest of it!

Rules & Adoption info

1. Activity is a must. Proserpina will be very involved with them, so expect plenty of threads. Skill building is highly encouraged, and interaction between family members is as well. I don't expect a dozen threads in a short period of time, but at least three a month at minimum. If the pup is set inactive, I will reclaim it. If the pup hasn't had any activity for a couple of months, I will likely dm you and discuss. Unless you have a valid absence/scarcity and/or have messaged me to let me know, please be active and at least make the minimum requested. It's recommended you don't buy a bunch of art, BUT once you hit 100 posts, the adopt is yours and will not be reclaimed.

2. These pups should follow the Abraxas doctrine. Ina is devoted to the Fallen God as much as she can (barring the culling of this litter). It's fine if later down the line through IC happening they decide they don't wanna follow the religion, but understand that abandoning the Abraxas beliefs may bring consequences. Possibly.

3. Purchases & discounts! Proserpina & Hyacinth have a lot of leeway when it comes to designs & height.
- 50% off height up to 38" & 25% up to 42" (but you are welcome to make the child smaller or larger). Proserpina is related to the Ancora's (though she doesn't know it yet) so there is definitely a range of heights to go with, though most Ancora's were in the 36" - 42" range and Abraxas are various heights (up to Dire as well)
- 25% off the colors on Hyacinth. (Pink, purple, blue, reeed?) Confirm with Lolaf
- mutations; neither parent has them except for Hyacinth being a dire wolf, but you are welcome to give your kid mutations!

4. Designs provided by me, belong to me and may not be used anywhere else other than Ardent. No exceptions! If none of the designs provided by me suit your fancy, you're welcome to provide your own.

5. Plot-wise, absolutely no rape, incest, underage sex, etc. No psycho, cannibalistic, sadistic, and super nasty evil etc, etc. Abraxas have been known to cull such types and will have no problem doing to one of their own if it jeopardizes their beliefs, existence, family, etc. And as much as Proserpina will love her children, she will kill one of her own to protect Abraxas namesake or what have you etc etc. But not without an insane amount of conflict on her end, mind.

Other than that, I would absolutely love it if these kids made the effort to interact (or try to) with Abraxas fam & Ancora fam (once Ina finds out she's related to that side).

Related family
- Brother Morax
- Sister Onoskelis
Click for family tree (Warning that it may not be completely accurate, idk. most characters can be searched via members list if you wanna take a peek, especially if you wanna use your own design).

Available Designs

[b]OOC name:[/b]
[b]Design choice:[/b]
[b]Character name:[/b] -- Abraxas (names should follow the Abraxas theme of fallen angels, demons, etc.)
[b]Appearance/physical description:[/b] site minimum
[b]Disabilities/Deformities:[/b] (leave blank if not adding any)
[b]Personality:[/b] site minimum
[b]Plot Ideas?/Plans:[/b] (not having any ideas is fine, I get it XD)