
just to let you go...


10-06-2013, 08:06 AM

She had sat silently at the meeting, even as Newt's scent had hit her like gale force winds and then her voice had rung in the old woman's ears like a bell. No acknowledgement, no greeting... But what had she expected? She deserved less the the woman's cold shoulder, less then the woman's cold acceptance of her presence in this pack. So Zara had said nothing, marred features remaining in their permanent smile. She had spoken when addressed but there was nothing between them that would suggest that Newt might be the woman Zara had spoken of, probably leaving Taurig to assume that she had meant another woman. They had been multiple rulers of Tortuga since the beginning so until she spoke to Newt then she would allow the man to continue to believe this. If they spoke...

Zara had taken some time to find a place to call her den, finding somewhere where roots were plentiful on the surface of the ground but no so much that digging was impossible. Massive laws made short work of digging, starting today with just enough to for herself in. Eventually she would need to do more, she would need to hollow it out move so she could sleep within and hang herbs from the ceiling in the roots. If she was to be this packs healer then she was going to do this right. That was if Newt didn't decide to kill her before she had a chance to collect what was left of the herbs. And honestly, Zara wouldn't blame her if she decided to do just that.

The blind woman worked her way out of the home she had made for herself near the boarders of the lands. Covered in dust and dirt she almost looked brown until she shook herself out. But she didn't go far from her home, she was meeting with the first woman who had been at the meeting, the one who had smelt like family, later that day. She sat slowly, hips sagging towards the side in a show of exhaustion but she remained seated. The blind woman no longer trusted Newt enough to lay down and call to her. So tipping her head back she let out a short call, with a simple message. That she wished to speak with the beta. There was no love or recognition in that howl, no feelings of remorse or sorrow. No, the rest of the pack didn't need to hear that she would save those emotions for later if Newt even came to her call. Zara couldn't, wouldn't, blame her if she decided to live the rest of her life ignoring the blind woman.
