
Not Exactly "Glamping"




Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
06-04-2022, 05:06 AM
Ike knew why she hadn’t asked Remus to return to Ashen with her, part of her was ashamed because of it. The princess didn’t want to bring him to her pack because she didn’t want to lose him. What if he joined Ashen and lost his bright cheery attitude? What if he treated her differently after he knew what being in Ashen was like? There was also the question of, if he she didn’t ask him to stay in Ashen would he just wander off and forget about her? Ike knew she needed to talk to him about her feelings, but anything serious she was very hesitant to talk to him about. He was like her safe harbor where she didn’t have to think about the seriousness of life and she could well and truly relax while she was with him. She was scared to death all of that would change.

Remus hadn’t been in the swamp for a few days she had noticed, and she worried as her mismatched paws carried her into the frozen swamp. Her heart clenched in her chest with each step she took, afraid that his scent would still be stale and she wouldn’t see him again. He was so different from anyone else she spent time with he’d easily become her best friend.

She wasn’t so grateful to see his form by the river that she failed to notice the rivulets of dried blood that flowed down his legs into the water. Concern crossed her features as she approached. "Remus?” she both questioned and greeted him at the same time. Her voice held the relief she felt at seeing him, and as always she became much less guarded. Ike’s focus was not on her paws though, and no matter how long she had to get used to her legs she was still clumsy. Obvious in the way she tripped and nearly fell into him when she finally got close. Instead she stumbled into the cold water, soaking herself in the cold water and sending a splash Remus’ direction.
