
Proserpina Abraxas x Hyacinth Aracari Readoption



06-04-2022, 05:06 PM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2022, 01:05 AM by halfawyrm. Edited 8 times in total.)
OOC name: halfawyrm
Design choice: This one
Character name: Marchosias Abraxas [March for short]
Gender: F
Appearance/physical description:
Even at her best attempts, March was never able to build as much mass as she’d wanted due to her illness in puphood. While she stands at an impressive height of 40 inches, she doesn’t quite match the build of her mother. Instead she inherits her father’s lithe form, small but not unmuscled. There is a subtle strength in her, but given the choice she’d wish for her brother’s bulkier size. She is less “feminine” than her mother, curves replaced with sharper edges, but she is not inelegant.

Her coat is a gorgeous blend of cinnamons and honey browns, like a galaxy in chocolate, which darkens further down her rump to almost a black. Lighter tones reach tendrils around her front and back legs as the nebula fades. Speckles of bright white dot her pelt throughout.

March’s eyes are emerald green and almond shaped, set in her skull under expressive brows. Amidst harsh lines of cinnamon holds her mother’s gaze, slow blinking and intense. The difference is the fire that lies beneath, burning with determination and a silent challenge to those who might underestimate her.

She holds herself with little of the poise her mother does. She does not find use in proving her value with dainty legged steps and the fluttering of eyelashes. She is practical, her legs were made for moving, and move she does.
Disabilities/Deformities: n/a
March is the reserved one of her siblings, her quarantine forcefully instilling an introversion that will hinder her social life. She’s gentle with her family, always willing to support her blood and fight tooth and nail for them. With others, less so. If you’re outside her inner circle she’ll regard with suspicion, bordering on hostility if you’re not of her pack. Unless your of interest she’ll keep to herself.

The girl’s blunt, much like her mother. More of social ineptness rather than procrastination though. It’s hard for her to understand niceties, she’d much rather tell it like it is and for others to do the same. She’s had enough pitied looks and saccharine words for a lifetime. Similarly, March values practicality over comfort. Why bother expending energy over aesthetics? Things just need to work and to ask anymore of them is foolish. Posturing and pretty gems aren’t much use when you need to get your paws dirty, and March won’t hesitate if she needs to jump in the muck.

The girl hates being kept out of the loop. After being cooped up for her first year, she resents the fact she missed out on so much. Sometimes she wished the illness had simply taken her, so she wouldn’t know how behind she was. It’s a raw wound, and she recoils if you touch it. While she doesn’t share the same fire as her sister due to her isolation, she wears any responsibilities offered to her with great pride. March is also a lonely creature, something she won’t admit but deeply effects her still. She doesn’t want to be left behind, abandoned, a burden. She longs for connection having had little opportunity to forge other relationships. A side of her she shares with her mother, though she may never realise this.

She adores her siblings and mother, the ones who cared for her when she was helpless. She swears she’ll never feel or be that way again, and will do anything in her power to prevent her family from sharing that horrid experience. Aware of the unwanted attention the cursed litter brings, she’ll rip out your teeth if you question her mother’s decision to keep her litter alive. In her eyes, it was thanks to the fallen god’s will that her and her siblings still breathe. Anyone who says otherwise speaks blasphemy.

Alignment: Lawful evil
Skills: Navigation, fighting
Plot Ideas?/Plans: lots and lots of skill threads as she catches up with everybody, and I’d love to hash out the pre-existing family dynamics before I start posting, . She’d be especially protective of Onoskelis I think,, and look to Morax for advice / support. While she’s different from her mother, she wouldn’t hesitate to support her, since she feels she owes so much to her.