
A Reason To Fight For [joining]


10-06-2013, 10:08 AM
Newt Saxe

She listened as the male began to speak of his skills. Every wolf seemed to be a warrior and she wondered if they had any new wolves that could be used as spies. She ignored the thought and continued to listen as the conversation went from dull to all of a sudden important. Her ears perked atop her head as she heard of his desire to free his sister from her enslavement. She was stuck in Amenti was she? Her tail flicked back and forth with the thought as she eyed the male carefully. Her true goal was to reclaim her former pack and perhaps this wolf could help be a stepping-stone to her goal.

?I am Newt, the Former queen of Amenti. That was once my home and pack until the bitch queen of Ludicael double-teamed me and my mate and both killed him and stole my pack in the same hour. I reside here because Tortuga was my ally when I was queen and I take that alliance seriously.? She said firmly, her violet gaze lingering over the male. ?Your desire to challenge for your sister can be a dangerous thing. if you lose you could become enslaved yourself. However, if you desire it I can help you train and I will come to witness your battle. To show face and know that should she lose, she will know who is coming for her crown. Should you lose, then I will come back and challenge for you both and my throne.? She said with a smile. She was unsure why his sister had been enslaved. When she had ran Amenti they had slaves but each slave had a reason for their enslavement it wasn?t simply random. They also had the chance to prove themselves and lose their enslavement.

?As for your desire to join Tortuga, I accept your request to join the pack Hansel.? She said with a smile. The pack was growing quickly and she was excited for her new king. It meant the pack would flourish.