
All In All It's Just Another Brick In the Wall

Ruga Wall Building



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-04-2022, 05:57 PM

Seeing as how his den and workshop were very close to one of the entrances they were planning to wall up and narrow in so that they were easier to defend, he was pretty eager to get that project going. He didn't necessarily think that he was unsafe where he was and was pretty capable of defending himself, but the sun came in pretty brightly in the mornings as it was and the one straight path from his den back out into the larger area let light shine right into his face so he hoped maybe the wall would help block some of it. That being the case, he had helped get together all the supplies and mix together the stuff they would need for the concrete. Luckily he still had a good amount on hand from building his forge so he didn't have to go far to get it prepared. He was told that he'd have a helper the next day to get it started so he got what he considered an early night—with the help of a couple of skins worth of mead.

The next morning, far too early for his liking, he heard shuffling and digging from outside and he groggily lifted his head, squinting and blinking against the sun that was shining in on him. He grumbled and pulled a fur over his face as he fought against the mild headache that was building in the back of his head until he remembered that he was supposed to be building a wall. A long, exasperated sigh left him and he reluctantly pulled himself up, giving himself a quick shake and grabbing a drink of water. By the time he begrudgingly made it out of his cave and to the main entrance he saw Keahi already hard at work digging away where the wall would go. "A little early, don't you think?" he mumbled as he came up beside her, looking at what she had done so far so he could see where he could jump in to get this over with.

"Ruga Amanto"