
Not Exactly "Glamping"




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
06-04-2022, 09:55 PM

His ears perked when he heard Ike's voice calling his name, his head popping up from where he was looking down at his own leg while he was washing off the crusted blood. He could see the concern on her features as she walked over to join him so he quickly threw a grin on his face and was ready to assure her that it looked way worse than it actually was, except he didn't get a chance to do that. He watched her start to trip and he jumped up to try and help her, but he wasn't fast enough. He winced a bit on her behalf as she toppled over right into the icy water and he hurried over to help her. "Ike! Are you okay?" he questioned as he went over to help pull her out of the river, getting her out of the cold water as quickly as possible. The freshly cleaned cuts on his shoulder were bleeding just a little bit, but they didn't hinder his movements at all and getting her out of the river was much more important. It certainly wasn't the first time he had seen her trip or stumble in their time hanging out together, but this was the first time she had ended up in such a detrimental spot because of it.

Once they had her back on dry land and she had a chance to shake off a bit he ushered her over to his camp site. The campfire he had started had smoldered down a bit so he tossed another piece of wood onto it to get the flames going again before he ducked into his den, pulling out a fur that he brought over and tossed around her shoulders, wrapping her up in the plush pelt. "There... Can't have you getting sick," he told her with a little smile while he tugged the fur tighter around her. He was sitting directly in front of her while he was getting her wrapped up, not really realizing how close to her he was until he brought his ruby and emerald gaze up to her two-toned gaze, suddenly noticing how his nose was very nearly touching hers. He blinked with surprise and he gave a little chuckle before clearing his throat a bit and getting up to to go get a couple bandages from his supplies, playing off the flutters that had kicked off in his stomach from being so incredibly close to kissing her without even realizing what he was doing.

Once he had the bandages he sat near her by the fire and started wrapping them around the upper part of his forearm where the worst of the cuts were that kept wanting to bleed. "I'm fine, I promise," he assured her with a glance, tossing her a grin. "I just got caught up in some briars on my way back from Auster." He really should have bandaged himself up when he got home last night, but after how his trip went he had been too tired and done with the day to bother.

"Remus Armada"