
I'm Just Gonna... -Yoink-




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
06-05-2022, 09:07 AM

What had she just been talking about? The girl's face screwed up as she tried to get her thoughts in order. Scylla blinked hard and looked down at the blurry form of Saracyn. Had he always looked so fluffy? By tomorrow, she most likely wouldn't remember the serious conversation they'd just had, which could or could not have been better for both of them. It was no secret that they didn't particularly care for each other. No doubt there would be some embarrassment involved if they remembered speaking about feelings and emotions and whatnot.

Sara rose to his paws to take the drunken girl to bed and promptly fell on his face. Scylla placed a paw over her maw to keep from giggling aloud. Once he was on his paws, the slate girl rose to her own, stumbling a little bit as she did so. The red marked boy turned and stood over her and Scylla's gaze firmly met his own. Despite their size difference, there was no fear in her, even drunk. A moment later, Sara scooped her up, slinging her over his back. A little gasp pulled from Scylla and she instinctively slid forward, wrapping her forelegs gently around the big boys neck.

As the boy asked which den she had chosen, Scylla wrinkled her little pink nose. She hadn't chosen a den. "None," she spoke. "Yours. I don't care." She didn't know where Cerb or Albi happened to be and if she was going to be on her own in a new place like this, she'd rather sleep beside someone that she knew. Another yawn brought the girls maw opening and closing and she slid her cheek along the young brutes neck. "Just somewhere to sleep. Take me to bed." She wasn't picky.

"Saracyn" & "Scylla"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]