

Briar ♡


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
06-06-2022, 02:27 AM

Artorias didn't miss the way Briar immediately settled into the bed with a languid stretch of her body, her slender form spread out across the massive plush mattress and sheets for his hungry eyes while long limbs pulled at the linens and her flowing waterfall of a tail draped down the edge of the bed. Briar was so indescribably beautiful to him in all regards always, but tonight she seemed even more captivating, entrancing, enticing. In the wake of their nuptials, there was something primal within Artorias that urged him to claim her as his mate, to consummate their union wholly and make her his. Mine... he thought to himself as he came back to the edge of the bed from locking the door, hungry eyes roaming ravenously over her lithe form, following every tempting curve of her body from tip to tail. She was grinning while looking over him with a similar voracious gaze in her turquoise eyes, drawing a husky murr from the giant brute. It amused Artorias as well to think how they had both been the same size for so much of their life, only for the final stages of developing into adulthood to reveal their real physiques. Her, a smaller, sleek and slender fae with curves in all the right places and taut, streamlined muscles beneath her soft coat, and him the massive brute with an athlete's physique, broad chest and shoulders tapering to a taut belly and powerful hind limbs. They had both gone through tremendous glow-ups from their chubby and awkward puppy phase they'd met in, but he might have been a little biased in thinking Briar had gotten the lion's share of the beauty genes out of the two of them.

Not one to ever be outdone, Briar commented on how handsome he had been in his wedding attire as well, then sat up to brush her paw along the white and orange sash still adorning his vest. Briar didn't pass up the opportunity to show off for him, and the young Carpathian was treated to a sultry show of his new wife shifting to stretch her svelte body out across the bed for him. Appreciative amber eyes smoldered with barely contained lust while he watched, grinning from ear to ear and purring his approval while she made a tempting spectacle of herself for his wanton gaze. Briar was gorgeous, stunning, drop dead sexy, easily the most beautiful wolf in the world and she knew it and used it to her full advantage against him—and Artorias loved when she did! At his invitation to undress him, Briar was eager to roll back onto her stomach to pull herself across the bed toward him. As her dexterous paws worked to unclasp his medallion, Artorias couldn't resist letting his eyes rove over his wife's body while she spread herself out across the bed, her hind legs stretched out behind her with her flowing tail snaking over the sheets to meet with her shapely rump. Again the Aegis breathed quiet rumbles of desire under his breath while he imagined all of the things he would get to do to her tonight to celebrate their marriage. Suffice to say, neither Carpathian would be getting much sleep tonight.

Artorias' focus was momentarily disturbed however when Briar lifted the sash from around his neck, then leaned in to cover the side of his neck with gentle kisses and teasing nibbles. An airy gasp of breath was drawn from the brute, a lovely shiver of lust rippling down his spine and making his body tense. He barely managed to remain still instead of pouncing on his wife then and there, the alcohol in his system making him much more sensitive to her touches and teasing in his heightened amorous state. What could he say, Artorias was a horny drunk. The grin on his lips had faltered just briefly when he gasped, but quickly returned with lecherous intent as he leaned into Briar's affections, murring in delight while she worked on his vest and her lips moved up his neck to reach just beneath his jaw, feeling her unclasp each buckle and toggle with her paws. Once she had a couple done, Artorias felt Briar's lips press to his in a deep, firm kiss which he returned with fervor and a blissful closing of his fiery eyes. He kissed her back with all the passion that burned in his core for her, just barely managing to slip her a bit of tongue before he felt the vest go slack and fall from his body with a clatter, and then their muzzles parted. The impassioned brute gasped for breath, blinking open confused eyes—and flashing every tooth in a wide, lewd grin when he saw his mate sprawled out on her back on their bed, fixing him with starving eyes and salacious grin while she presented herself to him like a gift waiting to be taken.

Wasting no time, Artorias placed his large forepaws on the bed and hoisted himself up onto the mattress with a swift hop, prowling across the bed toward her with an equally needy smolder of desire on his visage. He advanced on Briar, covering her body with his own until he was standing over her, devouring every inch of her alive with his lustful gaze. Artorias was breathing hard already, the heat rising inside of him and driving him, the need and urge to have all of Briar becoming all consuming and his singular focus. He lowered his muzzle back to hers, capturing her mouth in a deep, heated kiss, picking up from where they'd left off as sunset fire eyes drifted slowly closed. His tongue danced with hers in her maw, tasting her between their connected mouths. The heat within him swelled, along with other parts of himself, at the familiar and yet ever scorching intimacy he shared with Briar, the inferno beginning to consume him from the inside out. One huge paw pressed down to the mattress next to her head, gripping at the mattress with sharp claws digging into the sheets while his other paw slid beneath her rump, giving her supple flesh a delighted squeeze before sliding up the curve of her lower back to wrap securely around her waist. He tugged Briar up towards him whilst simultaneously pushing his hips down to hers, pressing himself into her intimate flesh with a needy groan into their kiss. His paw flexed, gripping tighter to her waist while claws prickled through her silky fur and soft skin. Then, still entwined up in her, Artorias pressed his hips forward and joined them together, sinking himself into his new wife with a deep groan. His body tensed, pleasure rippling through his nerves like waves rolling on a beach, and he gave himself up to his desires and instincts, proceeding to claim Briar as his for now and for all time.

- fade -

"Artorias & Briar Carpathius"

One big happy family

Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.