
hunting party

x-large hunt, open to 6 wolves



3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022All Oozed OutOoze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantMammoth Hunter
06-06-2022, 03:11 PM

Grimshaw decided to sit this one out, fine enough, personally, Malachai would have preferred to have his boyfriend at his side of course but hey, they were getting a meal out of this so he wasn't gonna turn the chance away, maybe he'd be able to sneak enough away for the two of them to have a nice meal together. Beyond that, though the man really wouldn't turn away any chance to show off, even to totally random strangers. More wolves would join them, Malachai watched each of them but otherwise did not offer any greeting, it seemed two of them knew their original caller, greeting the brown woman by a name... Wren. He was almost certain that that name would eventually get lost in his mind, unless he needed to he wasn't really concerned with most others.

He listened to the woman, nodding as she gave them each a role to play. He personally wasn't sure he wanted to take orders from anyone here specifically but he wasn't going to complain either. He was a larger wolf, it would put him right in the fray, and he was more than happy to be in the midst of the action. He had no questions and so remained silent, simply moving to follow the woman as she showed them towards the Bull. He did not wait for the others when it was clear that she was slipping back to let the bigger amongst them rush forwards. With a wide grin the Klein man burst towards the Bull, angling himself off to the left to take up the chase on the left side of the massive animal, penning it in between himself and whoever was brave, or dumb, enough to take up position on the Bull's right, they were right in the bludgeoning range of the massive Moose's impressive rack, but what was a hunt without a little danger. Malachai would dart in whenever he saw an opening, harrying the poor thing by snapping his teeth near its left forelegs and shoulders before bouncing away to try and outrun those impressive weapons on the Bull's head.

Art by Asphodely
[Image: eqRWCiM.gif]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.