
training the new growth [Ashen Meeting]



2 Years

06-06-2022, 02:22 PM
Unbreakable Survivor

The youth had been busy wandering the only part of the territory that was part of the mainland. She had attempted what she had overheard others call a ‘patrol’, carrying herself along the borders she had crossed to get to the river a couple days before. Though the yearling didn’t quite understand what the purpose of a patrol was, Cian continued along the edge of Ashen’s land scoping out what was going on beyond. Perhaps they moved about patrols such as these due to possible intruders, or visitors. Lenses flashed with the realization her own intrusion of these lands and how Venom had found her upon one of her shores. Perhaps the shadowed woman wasn’t just going for a stroll, and was in fact going on one of these patrols. But why on an island? Who else would be stupid enough to swim to the islands? She could only wonder.

A call from her Empress then rose into the sky. It wasn’t urgent, but it was a summons nonetheless. It was interesting to know how relaxed her leadership was, and it did settle her nerves quite a bit. Demands didn’t go well with the youth. With one last sweep of her surroundings the striped she-wolf turned on slender limbs. She wanted to know what this meeting was about, perhaps it could benefit her in some way, help her assimilate into the pack a bit more. With this in mind, Ciannait quickened her pace, heading towards the call of her Empress.

Upon her arrival, turquoise optics took in all those who were present. Though she didn’t know everyone here, she knew a couple. The russet woman from their hunt was here off to one side for whatever reason. Though her stature was smaller than the rest of the giants here, she still stuck out to Cian. Head dipped towards her, a silent greeting to the blush-eyed woman before continuing her scan over the rest. There were two others she recognized in the crowd. One was that pest of a boy she had met on the river, and it seemed he was up to what appeared to be his usual antics. A grin spread on her lips at that. Though he was annoying that day, she didn’t mind it. It was just something she had to get used to Cian supposed. Finally, she recognized Shuriken, or Iki, as the speckled woman had said. She had sat next to the boy from earlier along with a fiery colored youth not much older than herself. Well, now that she paid attention, all three were about the same age as her. They also looked similar in some ways. Perhaps they were siblings.

Though she didn’t know the trio all that well yet, Ciannait decided to join them. She smiled at the the younger pups as she passed them before she sat near the three other yearlings. ”Hope you guys don’t mind my joining you,” Cian said, nodding to each one, nerves causing her heart to hammer in her narrow chest. Maybe she could get to know them a bit more, if they would let her. Attention then shifted to the Empress, waiting for what Venom had summoned them here for.

OOC || —
