
for greener pastures

open livestock pen building!



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
06-06-2022, 02:53 PM

He looked to the log she motioned to and nodded in agreement. Easy enough. He was pretty used to moving and hauling wood from having to refuel is forge anyway. He moved around to the end of the log while she explained that she was building a pin to keep prey animals in with the suggestion of keeping sheep for their wool. He hummed at the idea and gave an appreciative nod. He could think of a bunch of different uses for wool in his projects even if he didn't have it on hand all that often. If they had a couple of sheep on hand to sheer that would certainly be handy. Well, maybe lending a paw was going to be beneficial to him after all.

"Ruga," he replied simply when she introduced herself, giving her his name in turn with a dip of his head. Then the attention went back to the log they needed to move and he bent to pick up his end, hoisting it up to place it on top of the other two she had already assembled. He helped to keep it in place, giving her a moment to make sure it was secured well enough before he let go. "Easy enough," he mentioned with a grin. He went to get the next log, keeping things moving to help her make some more progress on this pen. Projects like this always went faster with you had someone to work on it with you, after all.

"Ruga Amanto"