
All In All It's Just Another Brick In the Wall

Ruga Wall Building


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
06-06-2022, 03:24 PM

It normally isn’t easy to phase the cool-headed Keahi but being pelted with dirt while trying to work has gotten her hackles up. By the time she steps up to where Ruga is working, a silent anger bubbles underneath her blue eyes. The suggestion was the red woman’s passive-aggressive way of suggesting that the man take a hike but he easily plays it off. It earns the man raised eyebrows and, when he hops up beside her, narrowed eyes. His next words have the tropical wolf’s anger disappearing as she chuckles lightly, realizing that Ruga seems to be more interested in women then work. Catching his sea foam green eyes with her electric blue gaze, the hard edge that had been in them softens and she says, “Don’t think I’m your type handsome. However, if you need to go plow someone before you can work, feel free to.”

His wink is answered by a small shake of her red head and a chuckle as the pair split up to continue the work. While the taller wolf digs, Keahi moves to the pile of stones and buckets of mortar and picks out a long, flat rock. Carefully, the red woman maneuvers the stone to the trenches edge before returning to the pile to fetch a bucket of mortar. Setting it near the edge of the trench, she then grabs the next stone and settles near the edge as well.

Before moving back to the pile for a third time, Keahi looks to where Ruga is digging and says, “Hey Ruga. Since we are going to be working on this for a while, what do you say we play a little game? Let’s call it… tit-for-tat.” A playful grin spreads across her red lips as she adds, “Nothing bad just… I’ll tell you something about myself and then you have tell me something about yourself. The only rule is you have to be truthful. Other than that…” she shrugs her red shoulders to show that she doesn’t care what he says, as long it is the truth. Moving on to grab the next stone and move it to the edge, she begins the game by saying, “My family lived on an island before I… landed here. The island was called Hawai’i and I miss it.”

As Keahi continues to work, her blues eyes glance over to Ruga and waits to hear what he has to say.

"Keahi Mogotsi"