
All In All It's Just Another Brick In the Wall

Ruga Wall Building


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
06-07-2022, 11:07 PM

The tall Master of Arms seems genuinely surprised when the unassuming Keahi offers to him a free pass to go plow someone before he works. Another chuckle falls from her fiery lips as Ruga replies to her offer and she takes on a playful, mischievous, contemplative look. Softly humming to herself, she locks eyes with the older wolf and teasingly says, “I don’t know love… I haven’t really seen any of the ‘plowing’ type here. Must be very frustrating for a handsome one such as yourself.” This time she offers him a cheery laugh, turning back to her work to begin moving stones into place along the trench’s edge. She offers a game to Ruga, which he accepts, and Keahi gives him the name of her island. It is strange, giving such an important piece of information to the taller male.

Since she has arrived, Keahi has tried to keep the pack members at arm’s length, throwing herself into helping while also trying to keep her personal life out of equation. She had given Sirius small glimpses into her past but not this, not a full picture that she freely offered. Ruga’s voice has a wistful smile appearing as she turns to move back to piles of stones that need to be moved as she softly says, “It was beautiful Ruga. Warm all year round and volcanos that oozed lava like slow wounds from deep within the earth. It was… home.” Looking to Ruga, she offers a small, sad smile before moving the next stone to the edge, ears perking when he offers up a bit of his own story. She nods, wanting to ask if he enjoyed that life but the game is only about offering information, not having to answer questions.

Moving the last stone of the fist row next to the trench, Keahi looks to where the taller man works and says, “My family were called wayfinders. We traveled the ocean on canoes, finding lands for our tribe to spread out to. We always returned home. As long as there are stars in the sky, I know my way home.” The red wolf doesn’t realize that her head has tilted back to look up at the sky even though the sun is well on its way toward its zenith. Giving her head a shake, she makes the short jump down into the trench and pulls the bucket of mortar down to her level. Using her paws to pack down any loose dirt, Keahi then pulls the first stone down into the trench. A long, flat tool hangs from the handle of the bucket and she carefully gathers it with her mouth.

Taking small lump of the mortar, Keahi slaps it onto the side of the placed stone and scraps it down the side that will come in contact with next laid stone. Replacing the tool, she scoots the bucket backward and pulls the stone from the side of the trench to butt up against the pervious stone. She continues the process while listening to everything Ruga has to say.

"Keahi Mogotsi"