
Spa Day

Manea ♡


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
06-08-2022, 12:44 AM
Alastor loved Manea. He loved the way she laughed. He loved the way she smiled and grinned. He loved the way she looked at him and the way she saw the world. He loved the way she behaved and acted in all the things she did. Alastor loved Manea so, so much. The light and airy laughs he got from his wife when he scooped her up brought a bright and beaming smile to his own face, and the way she melted with happy murrs as he rubbed her back was all so much fun for the enamored brute. He felt her soft leonine paws brush over the outside of his thighs, tracing the red flame marking on them to pull rumbling murrs of his own. He enjoyed her little affections while he massaged her back and shoulders, working from her shoulder blades down along the smooth and taut dorsal muscles along her slim sides. Her body had returned to its magnificent lithe shape remarkably well, though Alastor did appreciate the subtle changes that came to her body from her pregnancy, like her wider and more womanly hips that were currently pressing back into his lap while he spoiled her.

Manea complimented his work, and Alastor responded with a low chuckle, giving her shoulders a firmer squeeze to coax more of those delightfully fun sounds from her. "Good. This day is all about making you feel good, my Manea. I want to do things perfectly for you," he told her in low, rough tones almost directly into her violet ear. Alastor continued his work, seeking out every sore spot or knot in her muscles and kneading them out with focused and diligent paws. Sure, he was pampering Manea and spoiling her, but in his eyes she was perfect and worth all of the grand treatment in the world. To him, she was a goddess. How else could anyone explain how she had appeared from thin air to save him from maddening isolation, bringing him power and purpose, strengthening and encouraging him, and giving him the greatest gift of fatherhood. Perhaps a part of this was a bit of an apology to her, an attempt at atonement for his behavior during the culling ceremony of their most recent litter, when he'd abandoned her and their newborn daughter. Yeah, he still hadn't fully forgiven himself for that yet. He needed to show Manea he was still all in on their relationship, that she was still the most important thing in his world, and that nothing that had happened had changed anything between them.

During his massage, Alastor felt Manea's paws idly tracing along his back legs, running from his outer thighs down almost to his hind paws and back again. It was slightly ticklish but immensely relaxing too, drawing quiet little rumbles of delight from the behemoth of a wolf. Before he was finished with her, he felt Manea pull away from him, furrowing his brow quizzically and fixing Manea with a curious look while she shifted about in the water to turn to face him with this pleased, relaxed grin on her face. His violet goddess settled herself back in against him, straddling his lap while she wrapped her forelegs around his neck and pulled herself into him. Alastor gave a husky rumble of understanding, grinning back at her while his massive black paws came to rest on her curvy hips, holding her to him as they relaxed in the steamy hot water. All the while, Alastor held Manea's gaze, losing himself in her profoundly beautiful aqua eyes while his paws roamed along her back, still occasionally kneading or rubbing her muscles—though they did begin to wander a little lower to around the base of Manea's tail, squeezing and massaging around there appreciatively. Her paws trailing along the back of his neck coaxed rumbling murrs from him, the brute admiring his beautiful fae's face as she did to him. When one of her paws trailed up the back of his neck, he drew in a sharp inhale, followed by a breathy sigh while she stroked the edge of one red-tipped ear with soft toes.

Alastor gave a slight tilt to his head to lean into his mate's touches. She knew he liked having his ears played with, and it showed with how she targeted those velvety erogenous zones atop his blocky head. Quiet murrs continued to rumble deep in his throat while he savored her affections, eventually flexing the digits on one paw while it rubbed down her back to gently drag his claws down the curve of her spine from the middle of her back to just above her tail. Her words made the brute chuckle low in his chest, the corner of his lips curling up in amusement while he lifted his muzzle to brush his own lips back against hers, feeling her every breath wash over the end of his snout. "I could never be too good to you," he responded in his rich, baritone purr. "You're worth everything I could give you, Manea."

"Alastor Mendacium"

Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
