
Breaking Bad

Manea ♡



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
06-08-2022, 01:36 AM

Now that Irilyth had gotten quite proficient at manufacturing her own poultices, potions, and tinctures, the sandy blonde fae began to focus on what else she could put her rapidly expanding medical skills to use crafting up. With her pharmacy fully stocked, all that she needed was some creativity and imagination—as well as her chemistry set—to make whatever she set her mind to. Iri looked over her supplies with appraising eyes, mentally going through all the known effects of the herbs and plants she had acquired over the months since Elysium's founding. What did she want to make first? A poison? A supplement? Inspiration struck her when she thought about things she could find practical applications with, her expression brightening in that "a-ha!" moment. A drug! Not just any kind of drug though. The lascivious woman knew exactly what kind of drug was likely to go down as a popular product of Elysium amongst the pack, as well as the rest of Boreas if they decided to package and sell it: an aphrodisiac.

Irilyth gathered up an assortment of herbs and additives—kava, cannabis, saffron, and honey—all known for their abilities to produce euphoria or act as aphrodisiacs on their own. Then she went to work. She crushed down the herbs and distilled them in small amounts of alcohol, letting them steep for a day before combining them with the saffron and honey, then mixing them together until the liquid was homogenous. A quick sniff revealed a sweet, slightly spicy scent. She smiled as she bottled her tonic, looking at the clear, pale gold liquid within. It almost looked like liquid sunshine contained inside, the color was so faint and fair. Now she just needed to test it out and see if it worked... But how should she test it? Sure, she could drink it herself, but really the best way to observe the effects it had was to be an outside observer to document and record her findings. That left really only one other wolf on the island that Irilyth trusted enough to perform her experiment with.

Wandering out of her room with the bottle grasped delicately in her teeth, Irilyth padded her way towards the alphas' chambers, pausing at the door long enough to peek inside. She didn't see or hear Alastor around, something she was thankful for. Iri took a couple more steps inside, peering around to see if Manea was in or if she was out about the pack. Finding nobody within, she frowned and slipped the bottle into her satchel before trotting out of the den and down the mountain path in search of the alphess. Irilyth wandered around Alias, sniffing in hopes of finding a fresh scent trail for her Mistress somewhere while she wandered the pine forests of the island. She didn't want to let out a call for Manea, not wanting to disturb her if she was busy or otherwise draw any unnecessary attention to the fact that she was about to attempt to drug up the Genetrix. So old-fashioned searching it was...
